View Full Version : Bug found.

9 Dec 2007, 19:43
Well I decided stupidly to open my weapons panel less then a second before my turn officially began. The grayed one popped up then popped out out while leaving a copy of the picture over the map that my mouse was stuck in, and i could open and close one that i could use. I couldn't fire a weapon with a space bar so all i could fire was the air strike i had, right on my worm. It lasted that one turn.

Don't think thats been mentioned before.

9 Dec 2007, 20:50
Can you reproduce it as many times as you want?

10 Dec 2007, 00:04
replay file?

10 Dec 2007, 09:01
replay file?
I doubt that such things are visible in a replay.
You'd most likely just see his worm doing nothing, then all of a sudden firing an air strike right on his own worm.

10 Dec 2007, 10:25
oh yea, you cant view weapon panels in replay >.>

10 Dec 2007, 10:33
Sounds a lot like a bug we fixed once... but I can't remember if that was before or after the Beta was released.

10 Dec 2007, 12:11
That one was fixed after the last beta, but it required the person experiencing it to control two teams whose turns came one after the other.

Was that the case in your game, Ghost? The replay would help, as it happens.

10 Dec 2007, 12:19
nope i'll upload the replay later as i'v been busy and am in a rush.

12 Dec 2007, 06:56
That one was fixed after the last beta, but it required the person experiencing it to control two teams whose turns came one after the other.Not quite the right wording.

The bug happened if the same machine controlled more than one team, i.e. two or more teams playing from one computer. This would always be the case in an offline game.

12 Dec 2007, 12:39
a bit ot:
are you aware of the bug that makes impossible to light on when you have minimized while the host uploads the map?

12 Dec 2007, 12:42
yes ive had that too, the map wont transfer thus requiring the client to rejoin the host to re-initaite map transfer or have the host switch maps then switch back.

12 Dec 2007, 13:49
An easy solution to that one is for the host to simply switch to the next terrain scheme and back in the editor; that resends the map to everyone as well, without changing the object placement. But yes, the next beta should take care of the problem completely.


... machine...


12 Dec 2007, 23:20
An easy solution to that one is for the host to simply switch to the next terrain scheme and back in the editor; that resends the map to everyone as well, without changing the object placement. But yes, the next beta should take care of the problem completely.

this is a inferior solution to the problematic client rejoining if the host is using colour maps and is living somewhere like australia that has inferior upload speeds >.> uploading a 256K map to 4 people TWICE isn't a good thing.

im glad it's been taken care of.

13 Dec 2007, 01:07
Sorry for the wait lots of tests and projects at the moment.

blue turn after 8:30.

btw he is not responding to me because he is on the phone, not because i talk to myself :P we were playing concurrent games in which he told me about his phone call the game before.