View Full Version : new rope trick

30 Nov 2007, 17:30
i've just find out how to climb a 100% vertical line , WITHOUT teststuff !!
is it new ? or it was discovered before :(((?
(i climbed the "long cat" map on blamethepixel , without ts)

30 Nov 2007, 19:07
You mean by using the very well-known parachute trick? =)

1 Dec 2007, 03:52
I've not played since the beta updates even began, but I've known about the indian rope trick for god knows how long. it's not an unknown trick to say the least.

in fact, it was one of the first :p

edit: upon re-re-re-reading your post, I find you may not have been referring to the vertical rope thing I was thinking of. you may want to clarify that for me :p

1 Dec 2007, 03:54
lol i use parachute . why i never saw it in sites, could you give me a link ? where has said about it ?

1 Dec 2007, 03:56
lol i use parachute . why i never saw it in sites, could you give me a link ? where has said about it ?ok, not the trick I was thinking of, but the parachute thing is a bit old as well. :p

check BTP for the videos, I don't know where to find any.

1 Dec 2007, 03:58
I've not played since the beta updates even began, but I've known about the indian rope trick for god knows how long. it's not an unknown trick to say the least.

isn't this indian rope trick , a test stuff trick ?

1 Dec 2007, 03:59
check BTP for the videos, I don't know where to find any.

what keywords should i search ?

1 Dec 2007, 08:09
Perhaps you should post a replay of your trick, and people will then be able to tell you if it's old or not.

1 Dec 2007, 11:29
isn't this indian rope trick , a test stuff trick ?

its a ancient trick that is re-enabled via test stuff in the latest betas.

1 Dec 2007, 12:30
Yes, it was already possible back then in W2, when you could aim the ninja rope straight down.

6 Dec 2007, 11:21
lol i use parachute . why i never saw it in sites, could you give me a link ? where has said about it ?

made this tutorial several years ago