View Full Version : WA "New Edition" ??

16 Nov 2007, 05:05
Well, I found a "new edition" of WA for download in internet, and some friends are playing with it.

I would like to know if it was made by T17 and if it is legal.

The new options in it includes:

- 28 new levels (from Worms World Party)
- About 150 new fanfares, speeches, flags and graves
- Improved terrain generator (you can now import 15-times bigger levels than before)
- Added many national flags in WormNet
- Support for 8 world national languages in game (Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish)
- Ability to tweak possible bugs in game from the "Tweaks" folder
- And playing the game without CD

Theres some sites with it to donwload. I won't say which until I know what I want to.

16 Nov 2007, 05:37
Wha..? That basically describes several of the new features in the Beta Update (ftp://ftp.team17.com/pub/t17/patches/pc/WA_update- Of course, you have to buy, pay for, and install the game before you install the Beta Patch.
I would say that this "new" version is most likely illegal (or fake), since neither the original WA or the Beta Patch offer 150 new fanfares, speeches flags and graves, any of the levels from WWP, or playing the game without the CD.

16 Nov 2007, 10:24
That's highly likely a pirated, no-CD cracked version with the beta installed and custom maps (from WWP) and fanfares, speech, graves & flags from some pack installed.

Does it somewhere say something about "WA:CE" or "trippenz", by any chance? :)

16 Nov 2007, 13:43
I have it and it's not official, it's unofficial and it's not a new version or anything, just a already patched and updated + addons.

The guy who made it and called it "yikes!! Team17 re released a new edition!" is stupid.

16 Nov 2007, 13:52
Pirates everywhere!

16 Nov 2007, 13:57
We don't support pirates here, nor do we allow any discussion of non-T17 versions of their games.

*Thread closed*