View Full Version : How mch does ir cost???

10 Oct 2007, 17:42
Hi there!!!

I'm thinking in buying Worms Forts Under Siege for the PC, but it isn't any where to buy here, so I thought buying it from Team17 Online Store, but i want to know two things:

How much does it cost (ALONE, NO MULTI-PACKS), including shiping to Portugal, and how long will it take to arrive???

Thanks for your help... :)

10 Oct 2007, 18:41
[Amazon.co.uk list it for �6.98 (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Worms-Forts-Under-Siege-PC/dp/B000F8RSKW/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/202-7173221-4713420?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1192038055&sr=8-2)]. Shipping to Portugal is usually about �5, so you're looking at roughly �12 in total.

12 Oct 2007, 18:30
What course does the pound have to $ or an euro?

12 Oct 2007, 21:55
Check out [xe.com (http://www.xe.com/)] for up-to-date conversion rates.

14 Oct 2007, 19:58
I went to Team 17 Shop, but I don't see a way to pay in euros (�)...
How can I pay in euros (�) instead of pounds (�)?

14 Oct 2007, 20:10
It will still take payment in Euros, you just have to be aware of the conversion rate.

14 Oct 2007, 20:51
But my Visa only accept payments in euros (�)...
Isn't there a way to pay directaly in euros (�)?

14 Oct 2007, 22:40
Have you actually tried continuing with the order and seeing if it works?

If that doesn't work, e-mail the shopmaster here (https://secure.team17.com/help.html?area=contact)

Xx Joe xX
17 Oct 2007, 03:27
i buy it with 39.99$

17 Oct 2007, 04:42
When? If you bought it recently then you've been conned, Joe.