View Full Version : the quit option

30 Sep 2007, 12:53
is there anyway anyone can get rid of the quit option online,someone should be able to do it because they reset the leaderboards

30 Sep 2007, 14:11
Well, in theory (even though I suspect the game really isn't designed to take patches) Team17 could create a patch, test it, go through certification again, and convince Sony to issue it through the PSP network thing, and save it onto a card or the UMD or the internal memory or something, all in the name of removing functionality from the game, but honestly, can you see all those people expending all that effort to make it slightly more inconvenient to get out of an online game? Seems like a monumental waste of time to me, and doubtless people would complain about it when it was done.

30 Sep 2007, 14:57
No point removing it but making it so it forfeits the game/surrenders all rounds would be slightly better. Of course a patch wouldn't be released just for this one thing but there are other things that could be fixed/improved. Very few PSP games get patches, so I don't think there will ever be one released.

2 Oct 2007, 13:00
I think Killzone Liberation is the only PSP game to have an outright patch, as opposed to content packs.

I could be wrong, of course.