View Full Version : do you care about lemmings?
and i'm asking the team17 staff and i guess worms/t17 fans. Me i love most strategy games notably worms and fire emblem, but also puzzle games notably lemmings and a few ds titles tickled me. I just want to know if people care about lemmings anymore and want to see a new game with hundreds a new levels plus maybe new features.
I'm voting 'meh' because there's no way Sony are going to release it for anything other than a PS console, none of which I have.
25 Sep 2007, 08:33
If a T17 Lemmings game came out for Mac OSX, then I'd buy it :D Used to love the original Lemmings games on my trusty old Acorn :)
If a T17 Lemmings game came out for Mac OSX, then I'd buy it :D Used to love the original Lemmings games on my trusty old Acorn :)
woohoo, i've just got a macbook as well, its sweet i think lemmings would suit it well too. Developers should def. start considering Mac OSX now, EA games are releasing all their future titles on this operating system.
25 Sep 2007, 17:04
Shame Sony owns the rights to Lemmings, eh?
Shame Sony owns the rights to Lemmings, eh?
25 Sep 2007, 23:15
woohoo, i've just got a macbook as well, its sweet i think lemmings would suit it well too. Developers should def. start considering Mac OSX now, EA games are releasing all their future titles on this operating system.
I hope EA do not publish any Mac game that T17 do, as I will not be able to play it on my Mac if it's published by EA, since they don't actually make Mac games - they just use a tool (Cider) to make Windows games run on Intel macs.
am i allowed to bump a thread?
am i allowed to bump a thread?
Generally, no. Unless you were waiting for an answer to a problem, and nobody posted within about a week ago.
Of course, you can 'bump' the thread if you can think of something worthwhile to say.
Back on the topic, I would like to see if Nintendo will buy the license from Sony. There's a bit of a chance that they will, because Lemmings was always a game for all ages.
On a side note, what's Fire Emblem like? I might buy the Wii one when it comes out, if it's any good.
28 Sep 2007, 21:03
Back on the topic, I would like to see if Nintendo will buy the license from Sony. There's a bit of a chance that they will, because Lemmings was always a game for all ages.
So because it's the sort of game Nintendo would make, they might buy the rights for it? That's no sort of logic I recognise.
28 Sep 2007, 21:23
And it would end up like mario and it would be boring. I like it if they start to make new ones then other people that are a bit younger might like it so T17 get money and then the games would get better than they are all ready so they'd start to branch out so there'd be more games made by T17. And I am a gay idiot.
So because it's the sort of game Nintendo would make, they might buy the rights for it? That's no sort of logic I recognise.
why not?
and plasma you should try out fire emblem it is of course turn based strategy like worms so it has that in similar. However fire emblem is a strategy/rpg game. Don't let that put you off tho. It has a great story line throughout, characters have leveling up systems and if they die in battle they are gone forvever, liken it to chess but this is actually fun and exciting as well.
28 Sep 2007, 21:33
why not?
Firstly, I can't think of any situation where one console company has bought a property owned by another console company, certainly not within the last ten years.
Secondly, Nintendo already have a bucket-load of successful, money-making franchises under their belt. Donkey Kong, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Puzzle League, not to mention Mario and the various spin-offs including Mario Kart, Mario Party, Paper Mario, etc. They're not going to spend a hojillion dollars trying to buy a franchise that Sony, in all likelihood, aren't going to sell anyway.
And it would end up like mario and it would be boring. I like it if they start to make new ones then other people that are a bit younger might like it so T17 get money and then the games would get better than they are all ready so they'd start to branch out so there'd be more games made by T17. And I am a gay idiot.
Team17 don't have the exclusive rights to develop Lemmings games, so in the unlikely event Nintendo were to buy the rights, there's no gaurantee they'd charge Team17 with the task of developing the next game.
Also, how exactly would lemmings "end up like mario and... be boring"?
TEAm 17 should buy the rights!!! damnit.
Secondly, Nintendo already have a bucket-load of successful, money-making franchises under their belt. Donkey Kong, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Puzzle League, not to mention Mario and the various spin-offs including Mario Kart, Mario Party, Paper Mario, etc. They're not going to spend a hojillion dollars trying to buy a franchise that Sony, in all likelihood, aren't going to sell anyway.
Yes, but Nintendo's main profit is from those franchises, because there a lot less multi-platform games ported to Nintendo systems than the others.
Besides, what's wrong with more successful, money-making franchises?
Firstly, I can't think of any situation where one console company has bought a property owned by another console company, certainly not within the last ten years.
Ah. I wouldn't know.
Team 17 should buy the rights!!! damnit.
Not gonna happen, sorry. Team17 are way too small a developer to be able to spend money just like that.
28 Sep 2007, 21:48
Yes, but Nintendo's main profit is from those franchises, because there a lot less multi-platform games ported to Nintendo systems than the others.
This doesn't make sense.
Besides, what's wrong with more successful, money-making franchises?
Well, nothing. But I just can't see Nitnendo going to the effort.
Shame Sony owns the rights to Lemmings, eh?
How did this happen? what idiot team17 staff sold lemmings to sony for a bunch of burgers? why would sony want lemming anyway? and what are they going to do with it...?
29 Sep 2007, 18:49
How did this happen? what idiot team17 staff sold lemmings to sony for a bunch of burgers? why would sony want lemming anyway? and what are they going to do with it...?
I really hope you're joking.
Lemmings weas originally developed by DMA Design (now Rockstar North) and was published by Psygnosis. Eventually DMA sold the rights to the series to Psygnosis, who were bought by Sony in 1993. Sony acquired the rights to Lemmings at this point. Team17 have never owned the rights to the franchise - they were... I don't know what the appropriate word is here, hired, perhaps, by Sony to develop the PSP, PS2 and, eventualy, the PS3 versions of Lemmings. Team17 doesn't own the rights and it's entirely up to Sony who develops the next tile in the series.
lemmings was made by rockstar north, wow, would never have thought that.
29 Sep 2007, 23:24
Rockstar did some neat stuff before the GTA franchise made them famous.
They made a game in which you played as a computer chip and had to transfer between different animal robots, IIRC.
30 Sep 2007, 02:04
They made a game in which you played as a computer chip and had to transfer between different animal robots, IIRC.
Oh, I remember that. And to think, everyone thought it really clever when Messiah came along with that exact game mechanic. Mind you, everyone thought GTA was a really clever game mechanic and that was just a patent rip-off of Postman Pat on the ST, so I guess what goes around comes around...
30 Sep 2007, 02:13
They sure liked spaceships (
And you're thinking of Space Station Silicon Valley.
30 Sep 2007, 11:49
Team17 have never owned the rights to the franchise - they were... I don't know what the appropriate word is here, hired, perhaps, by Sony to develop the PSP, PS2 and, eventualy, the PS3 versions of Lemmings.
"contracted" is the word you're looking for
"contracted" is the word you're looking for
or 'contacted' would've worked here as well.
30 Sep 2007, 15:32
or 'contacted' would've worked here as well.
Not really, no. Not without a rephrasing of the sentence and the addition of at least one more verb.
"Team17 have never owned the rights to the franchise - they were contacted by Sony to develop the PSP, PS2 and, eventualy, the PS3 versions of Lemmings."
Ehh... it works, albeit in a very roundabout way.
If proper 2D lemmings was never actualy made by Team17, then why do we have it on this forum? PSP, PS2 and PS3 versions were not, [As I recall] very memorable games. If they were I would see them in the shops. And Iv'e visted quite a few games shops, and haven't seen any of these titles.[But thats mainly because I don't care engouth to look at these sections] I don't even know how to play lemmings on a playstation without making it in 3D. [And therefore, bad.]
er i am pretty sure t17 made a 'proper' 2d lemmings game for the ps3 that were all original levels, however i think i am right in saying that u couldn't buy it in shops but had to download it for around �8 on the console.
If proper 2D lemmings was never actualy made by Team17, then why do we have it on this forum? PSP, PS2 and PS3 versions were not, [As I recall] very memorable games. If they were I would see them in the shops. And Iv'e visted quite a few games shops, and haven't seen any of these titles.[But thats mainly because I don't care engouth to look at these sections] I don't even know how to play lemmings on a playstation without making it in 3D. [And therefore, bad.]
1: No, those games were major games. They were even published by Sony themselves.
2: The PS3 Lemmings was a small game, only downloadable.
3: Team17 only made 2D Lemmings! I don't know why you thought they were 3D.
30 Sep 2007, 21:56
To clarify, Team17 only developed the PSP, PS2 and PS3 Lemmings games. THat's why they have a board here on the forum - to discuss those versions of the game.
To clarify, Team17 only developed the PSP, PS2 and PS3 Lemmings games. THat's why they have a board here on the forum - to discuss those versions of the game.
thanks for the clarification, due to sony owning the IP, i am thinking about a sequel or another PSP game (as i own one) rather than a ps3 which is very expensive and which i imagine has done quite badly in terms of sales primarily due to teh ridiculous price tag. Its UK sales much be surely some of the worst. Therefore it must be more worthwhile t17 going for a psp title.
1: No, those games were major games. They were even published by Sony themselves.
2: The PS3 Lemmings was a small game, only downloadable.
3: Team17 only made 2D Lemmings! I don't know why you thought they were 3D.
I heard there was a 3D lemmings once, and that it wasn't very good.
1 Oct 2007, 18:44
There are at least two 3D Lemmings games, and neither are very good. There's also Lemmings Revolution, which is strictly speaking a 2.5D game and has an interesting gameplay mechanic that virtually none of the levels in the game actually takes advantage of. It's also impossible to complete the game to 100% because one of the levels is unsolvable. It was dire.
1 Oct 2007, 19:46
The other was "3D Lemmings", which was alright, but when you throw Lemmings into 3D it necessarily changes the gameplay fundamentally. Which sounds familiar. Also the 3D capabilities of PCs back then really weren't that great, and the graphics for 3D Lemmings weren't exactly cutting edge either.
To be honest, I think a 3D Lemmings game would work best if it was comprised of long walkways that the Lemmings would follow (rather than falling off them at tangents). They could then interconnect in fun ways and you could make some interesting levels that way.
3 Oct 2007, 00:55
Oh yes bring it on!
11 Oct 2007, 17:49
The more Lemmings the better... the new PS2 version needs to be released in the US as well.. And if only Sony would relinquish its rights so we could see DS Lemmings, and 360 Lemmings..
And oh the music... the music! La la - la la, la la, - la la - la la la la la, la la -la la, la la , laaaaaa... - la la - la la la la, la la - la la la la, laaa laaa laaa laaa laaaaaaaaa!
The sweet sweet memories of carefree days of wonder as a child on my Amiga 500....
Yes, I am a Lemmings NUT, and Worms is almost as good
I'm still making more stages in the PSP one. That's how endless the game is.
I'm still making more stages in the PSP one. That's how endless the game is.
i don't really care for the lemmings level editor, a worms level editor is absolutely awesome but lemmings?? no. I like my puzzles pre-made, designing your own level kinda sucks, i want lemmings level experts to make super hard and original levels for me to solve, not some 12 year old from new england. (or whereever)
12 Oct 2007, 22:21
I think if the level is challenging enough then who created it doesn't matter, does it?
I think if the level is challenging enough then who created it doesn't matter, does it?
thats the point they often aren't or are just plain poorly designed.
12 Oct 2007, 22:38
But giving people the tools to do so gives epople with the ability to make challenging levels to make challenging levels. If you give 100 people a piece of chalk each and told them to draw whatever they want on the floor, some people are just going to draw stickmen, but you'll come across more than a few intricate pieces of art.
Have you actually tried making your own levels? If you're not happy with the quality of user-content out there, then do somethnig about it and make some of your own. The tool is there, after all. No, I guess you haven't; you objected initially to the presence of the tool itself rather than the content people were making with it.
Anyone here play LemmingsDS? Yeah. No reason to buy the PSP version, because the DS is amazing for lemmings. Additionally, it being homebrew makes it very open-ended. I've made quite a number of custom levels for it that are amazing.
13 Oct 2007, 00:55
I've not really dabbled in the DS homebrew scene, although I intend to. That said, I'm not sure discussing Lemmings DS here is really recommended, considering.
i don't really care for the lemmings level editor, a worms level editor is absolutely awesome but lemmings?? no. I like my puzzles pre-made, designing your own level kinda sucks, i want lemmings level experts to make super hard and original levels for me to solve, not some 12 year old from new england. (or whereever)
What do you mean by some 12 year old? Explain about the part with the art and poorly designed.
24 Oct 2007, 09:38
I would love to see another lemmings... i think i have all of them that were made so far except maybe the latest...
i have...
Lemmings 1 for dos
Oh no More lemmings : for dos
Lemmings Xmas pack 91,92,93,94....
Lemmings 2 : the tribes : for dos / snes
Lemmings 3D : for dos
Lemmings Paintball : win 95
Lemmings Chronicles : win 95
Lemmings Revolutions : win XP
i have not seen any newer ones, apparently team 17 made one?
what ever happened to "Psygnosis" how does team 17 have the rights???
i have not seen any newer ones, apparently team 17 made one?
Team17 made three. One for PSP, PS2 and PS3.
T17 don't have the license to Lemmings themselves, Sony do. And they chose Team17 to make the newest worms games.
25 Oct 2007, 08:30
what ever happened to "Psygnosis" how does team 17 have the rights???
I think they were bought by Sony some time ago. I allways forget this things.
But yeah, Sony "hired" T17 to do the game(s).
25 Oct 2007, 17:19
Sony have owned Psygnosis since 1993.
29 Oct 2007, 00:51
I would buy it, dont care about the reviews or scores, cause its lemmings.
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