View Full Version : PSP Weekly Scoreboard - Cheat!

13 Sep 2007, 23:15
Hi all,

I'd like to know if anyone, particularly Team17 staff, has any idea how "CoSyTo" has managed to obtain 991,000,001 points to lead all other players on the board by 990,000,074 points or so??? Obviously there is no way a player could accumulate that many points in the amount of time the game has been out, and given the amount of players online that actually finish games to enable points to get scored! ;)

Can his score get deleted so the real players of this game have a shot at reaching no. 1?


Downunder13 - Username online
TheLeague - Clan name

13 Sep 2007, 23:21
Sorry, I should've looked down further and seen the thread from yesterday...I'll go and read that now. My bad!!

13 Sep 2007, 23:38
He may of cheated or he may be the unwitting victim of a bug.

We are looking into it.