View Full Version : What are you Dreaming?

12 Sep 2007, 20:59
In the spirit of all those "What are you..." threads we had back when, what did you dream about?

The only parts of my dreaming I remember from last night was there was some kind of meteor shower, but they were hitting the ground and exploding and it was kinda scary. Then, in stunning contrast, I dreamed I got married:p. And then I dreamed that OD was opened to the general public, and n00bs posted and it was general chaos. And our poor 100% off-topic thread was overrun. I think that's the first dream I've had about this forum?...

13 Sep 2007, 00:15
I just had a dream dealing with mostly everyone in my old vocational class in High School. It was like a get together... Only the girl who died, that I knew from school *who was also in that class* was alive in it, but everyone talked about how she died. :confused:

I used to lucid dream. It was a nice escape from reality. In fact, I used to sleep all the time just to "get away" from it all. But now I just dream about sad stuff really. And crap that usually just makes my real life seem worse.
I'm a ****ing miserable person.


13 Sep 2007, 00:50
And crap that usually just makes my real life seem worse.

Oh man I used to have dreams like that all the time :( But then I like, stopped remembering dreams.

The most recent one I remember is where I swallowed this skull, but there was a parachute-like thing behind it or something, and the further the skull passed through my body the tighter that the little 'strand' that connects my tounge to the bottom of my mouth became, and I knew if I fully digested it I would die, so I ended up having to pull it back out of my body via the parachute.

It was like a David Lynch movie or something.

13 Sep 2007, 01:19
I dream while awake on the bus to and from work more often than any nighttime dreams I can recall lately. Probably just because I'm so damn tired all the time.

Today it was intervening in some kind of college party after someone had been given roofies. I dunno how to expand on that, really.

13 Sep 2007, 03:17
I once dreamed that Uncle Scrooge's money bin cracked open and his money was pouring out.
I dipped my finger in it and the feel of soldering tin or mercury while still being cold.
It also retained the texture of coins.

From that dream onwards I knew why Uncle Scrooge can actually swim in his money.

13 Sep 2007, 08:31
Her .

13 Sep 2007, 09:28
I think the last dream I remember is when my dad woke me up and there was a nice dinner ready and we had a couple of guests over and I was looking forward to a nice evening, then I looked at the clock, realized I was going to be almost 2 hours late for work, and had to leave it all behind. :(

That right there is a veritable dream world manifestation of my entire current life, I think. :p

13 Sep 2007, 21:19
Her .

13 Sep 2007, 21:20

14 Sep 2007, 01:42
[ Nc-17 ]

14 Sep 2007, 02:38
I have lucid dreams with startling regularity. At the most, I have them six times a week. On average it's two or three times.

14 Sep 2007, 05:06
But now I just dream about sad stuff really. And crap that usually just makes my real life seem worse.
I get that a lot too...:-/ Like the dream I mentioned where I got married? Well that involved a certain girl, and then I woke up and was like "well ****..." That kind of thing happens to me a lot. All G-rated though. Or at least everything I remember...:p Usually it's pretty tame though, like we'll go see a movie or something and then she leans on my shoulder or something and then I wake up hating everything...:-/

Usually when I realize I'm dreaming I promptly wake up. The only time I can recall having a lucid dream was after I blew up a space station shaped like a double decker bus, because it was some kind of evil nuclear base, and then someone was fussing at me about how I shouldn't do things like that. When I was being yelled at I realized I was dreaming, created a car, and then drove down the street and had all the traffic somehow avoid me. I soon forgot I was dreaming and a plot line actually ensued, although I don't remember what that was.

Last night I had a dream that a friend, fictional within the dream so nobody I actually know, came over and stuck some kind of "marijuana cake" in the oven. I was kinda weirded out because I didn't particularly approve of the item and ingredients therein, and then for some reason we went into the garage for some reason, and then I was relieved when his mom showed up at my house for some reason, as if it were her own home, and caught the item in the oven disposed of it and it was awkward and then I woke up.:confused:

14 Sep 2007, 09:58
[ Nc-17 ]You have all the fun.

15 Sep 2007, 13:34
Yesterday I dreamed that I was making and testing a rope race map for Worms Armageddon, and meanwhile I and numerous other people were being hassled by Marlee Matlin, who was an evil lawyer. So we killed her, but then while we were celebrating, a whole lot of women dropped dead, and it turned out Marlee had poisoned them. I've dreamed about playing Worms before, but I don't think I've dreamed about making a map until now.

I also dreamed that I was half way along the 650km drive I'm about to make, when I trespassed on some dirt road near where some filming was going to take place, then met my sister and my parents. We walked for a bit, got something to eat in a bizarre shop, and decided to go on a tour of a big steep grassy hill which was supposedly near a town called Toothache or something.

Like the dream I mentioned where I got married? Well that involved a certain girl, and then I woke up and was like "well ****..." That kind of thing happens to me a lot. All G-rated though. Or at least everything I remember...:p Usually it's pretty tame though, like we'll go see a movie or something and then she leans on my shoulder or something and then I wake up hating everything...:-/

I've had a similar sort of dream before where I fell in love with a girl, but when I woke up I felt love for life, even though I realized the girl was already taken and I wasn't really in love with her. Maybe you're just a pessimist! :p

15 Sep 2007, 16:05

Being in Radiohead.

16 Sep 2007, 12:47
I was having dinner with an unusual selection of people. My two dead grandparents, a John Lennon who might have looked a lot older than how I usually picture him, Yoko Ono and some sort of female blood demon whose eyes... kind of turned white and up when she was... talking about her memories. Something like that. The table we were sitting at was most likely the large shiny TV table from my grandparents' apartment [sold years ago], but the setting morphed into the demon's candlelit mansion as the dream progressed.

I also remember a denture situation where the fake teeth [unsure whose, but I'd rather not speculate] ended up lying between the plates. My grandfather told Yoko Ono this is exactly what would happen to her if she didn't treat her diabetes, left the table and refused to return.

Because this was the sort of quick dream after I had already woken up and fallen asleep again, I didn't do much but watch. One of the rare things I did do was take the demon's wine glass and held it in my hand to warm it up; she didn't like her red wine too cold.

Being in Radiohead.

Been there, although I wouldn't normally admit it. Everyone seems to think I'm obsessed enough with them already.

16 Sep 2007, 13:22
I dream about cricket quite a bit. If, say, there's a match on tomorrow, I'll try to predict what'll happen in it in my dream. I'm usually wrong.

Sorry :p.

16 Sep 2007, 14:09
The other night I dreamt I was at an airport waiting to get on a flight with my borther and one of the new guys at work. We were in a shop because I was trying to buy a black marker pen. When I got to the till, the woman stabbed the pen into the desk and said it was a crap pen anyway. I went ahead and bought it regardless, saying "Actually, I quite like it". So, the new guy from work was hurrying me saying we'd miss the film he wanted to see before the plane left but on the way out my dad stopped me to give me a big grey and purple flatbed scanner with a TV remote attached to it. I thanked him and put the scanner in my bag, heading for the theatre where the film was being shown. Upon arrival, the theatre was quite breathtaking. It was a large open auditorium with drunk people acting instead of a cinema screen. I'm not sure why that was breathtaking, but it was.

And then I woke up.

16 Sep 2007, 16:55
something about arrested development, i think i was buddies with michael cera or something

16 Sep 2007, 21:19
I had a funny dream the other night when all my lower-jaw incisors came loose and started rocking back and forth in my mouth.

16 Sep 2007, 21:57
Well, I never, I had a dream like that the other week. It was really weird, all my teeth started to go wobbly and I was like, "aw crap, not another one", every time I pulled one out by mistake.

I'd forgotten about it until just now too.

16 Sep 2007, 22:02
Her. :(


17 Sep 2007, 01:17
Losing one's teeth is a common dream reflecting concerns about one's physical and social appearances, and effectiveness in a competitive environment. Occasionally can reflect literal concerns about dental conditions or procedures.


I used to be pretty interested in dreams, even got myself a few books about it a few years ago. The teeth example is classic and very common. I had them too, just not lately. Must mean I've given any chance of ever being successful up on a subconscious level, heh.

Her. :(

Uhh, been there as well. :(

Star Worms
17 Sep 2007, 03:42
Does anyone occasionally twitch just as they're falling alseep? It's happened a few times: I'm dreaming about something and then I trip over something, twitch my leg, and wake up.

I also just can't remember dreams once I've woken up, unless something triggers a memory. I can understand it perfectly while asleep, but then once I've woken up I can barely remember anything at all.

17 Sep 2007, 03:47
Does anyone occasionally twitch just as they're falling alseep? It's happened a few times: I'm dreaming about something and then I trip over something, twitch my leg, and wake up.Ah, yes, the dreaded full-body spasm. It's annoying.

17 Sep 2007, 03:52
I remember having this dream where I kept trying to read this paper and I was getting extremely angry because every time I looked at it, it had something different on it and I was saying things like "god damn it this only happens when you are dreaming and **** this stupid paper is broken" and I never made the connection that I was dreaming and never began to lucid dream. Woot.

17 Sep 2007, 11:51
Losing one's teeth is a common dream reflecting concerns about one's physical and social appearances, and effectiveness in a competitive environment. Occasionally can reflect literal concerns about dental conditions or procedures.

I had been to the dentist's a few days ago. Had a similar dream last night, only it was about the first molar on the lower-left side of my mouth. I reckon my tongue was probably touching my teeth while I dreamed, triggering something off.

(For the record, I have an excellent set of teeth, but my gums could use work. My dentist did say that that might be a problem when I reach 60-odd).

I'm dreaming about something and then I trip over something, twitch my leg, and wake up.I get that quite a bit. It's doubly bad for me because of my vertigo.

17 Sep 2007, 19:08
Note to self: Do not play Bioshock right before going to bed. You end up with Big Daddies up the wazoo.

17 Sep 2007, 19:39
Note to self: Do not play Bioshock right before going to bed. You end up with Big Daddies up the wazoo.
yeah i can't imagine bioshock-influenced dreams would be particularly pleasant

17 Sep 2007, 19:59
Worse than Ravenholm?

17 Sep 2007, 20:05
Does anyone occasionally twitch just as they're falling alseep? It's happened a few times: I'm dreaming about something and then I trip over something, twitch my leg, and wake up.
I regularly get that when my feet are hanging over the edge of my bed and don't touch anything.
I then dream that I'm stepping into a hole or off a cliff, which causes my whole body to twitch.
I wake up with my heart pumping.
I also just can't remember dreams once I've woken up, unless something triggers a memory. I can understand it perfectly while asleep, but then once I've woken up I can barely remember anything at all.
Me neither.
Also, my life seems to be quite dull, as rarely anything triggers a memory for me.

18 Sep 2007, 17:01
Related to the tooth dreams of late, in my dream last night I got some kind of gunk between my teeth which I couldn't get rid of for the life of me.

Then I dreampt (that's a word, right?) that there was some sort of Star Wars-esque Empire, and some people and I kidnapped some of the elite soldiers' outfits (the normal soldiers wore blue sailer suits, the higher up special soldiers wore red garments similar to those in Star Wars) and participated in one of their ceremonies. We like stood in a circle and did a salute at neck level instead of at the temple like we do today, and then there was some kind of pledge of allegiance to the Emperial flag. There was a sentiment that the emperer didn't give a darn about this part, and the ceremony was quite sloppy. I don't know quite what we were trying to do , because we didn't really do anything. And then afterwards we had to hide the outfits somewhere because the Empire is hated by all and we didn't want to get attacked by random people on the street.

13 Oct 2007, 18:38
I had a lucid dream last night.

I looked in a mirror and was like "Jesus, my hair looks REALLY terrible right now, I need a haircut. No, wait, there's no way my hair actually looks that bad. I must be dreaming." and I was.

13 Oct 2007, 18:47
I had a lucid dream last night.

I looked in a mirror and was like "Jesus, my hair looks REALLY terrible right now, I need a haircut. No, wait, there's no way my hair actually looks that bad. I must be dreaming." and I was.
did you go and fight zombies after that or something

13 Oct 2007, 19:19
I had a lucid dream last night.

Does that happen often? I have lucid dreams with alarming regularity, and I often wonder if there's anyone else who has them as frequently.

13 Oct 2007, 19:40
I dreamt of getting this.


13 Oct 2007, 20:35
I'm in some kind of grade school type setup, and I'm asked to take the State Cat, who is utterly adorable, out to the playground. There's some kind of pink rotating float called Hawaii that played music and a bunch of kids screaming and this older guy complains about how all the big people have ruined the midget theme parks for everyone. Then we all have to go back in, because whatever event that was, it was over. Then I had to go back inside and get my shoes. I found one, but could not find the other. In the meantime, one of the guys found some batteries, and I really needed them back. So I tried to explain that they were Darth Vader's batteries and I needed them for some kind of quest. He didn't believe me, but then the batteries started talking to him and his group of 3 friends, at which point he totally freaked out and wanted to shoot me with a handgun he produced from his pocket. I managed to avoid getting killed, but I forget how. He takes the batteries, and so I somehow need to take both my boots to him so I can convince him to give the batteries back. The dream now goes into a somewhat video game-esque mode wherein I start to control a dog in third person, and I realize that this dog is wearing the other boot, so I lead him to me, and then I take dog, boots, and a bunch of other crap to this guy's hotel room, which has a little pot of gold emblem outside the door for some reason. Inside, my friend is in bed with him. They're both asleep, and then she wakes up and I tell her about how I got the dog and the other boot. It is not strange in the dream that she was sleeping in the same bed as the man who wants me killed – she was obviously on my side in this issue and assisted me prepare the junk. Then I remembered I had forgotten my laptop back at the school type place, so I went back to get it with my friend. But I got lost along the way in this sort of underground labyrinth city type place, and I wandered into a kitchen type place, where a subtitle informed me I had been knocked out by a frying pan. The dream now cuts to inside a classroom, wherein the professor announces a trip to a giant beef chili bowl. This was part of our plan to dispose this guy who wanted me dead, because it was known this guy was a huge fan of beef-chili. Then I wake up.

14 Oct 2007, 00:30
This is why I love dreams.

14 Oct 2007, 03:22
I'm in some kind of grade school type setup, and I'm asked to take the State Cat, who is utterly adorable, out to the playground. There's some kind of pink rotating float called Hawaii that played music and a bunch of kids screaming and this older guy complains about how all the big people have ruined the midget theme parks for everyone. Then we all have to go back in, because whatever event that was, it was over. Then I had to go back inside and get my shoes. I found one, but could not find the other. In the meantime, one of the guys found some batteries, and I really needed them back. So I tried to explain that they were Darth Vader's batteries and I needed them for some kind of quest. He didn't believe me, but then the batteries started talking to him and his group of 3 friends, at which point he totally freaked out and wanted to shoot me with a handgun he produced from his pocket. I managed to avoid getting killed, but I forget how. He takes the batteries, and so I somehow need to take both my boots to him so I can convince him to give the batteries back. The dream now goes into a somewhat video game-esque mode wherein I start to control a dog in third person, and I realize that this dog is wearing the other boot, so I lead him to me, and then I take dog, boots, and a bunch of other crap to this guy's hotel room, which has a little pot of gold emblem outside the door for some reason. Inside, my friend is in bed with him. They're both asleep, and then she wakes up and I tell her about how I got the dog and the other boot. It is not strange in the dream that she was sleeping in the same bed as the man who wants me killed – she was obviously on my side in this issue and assisted me prepare the junk. Then I remembered I had forgotten my laptop back at the school type place, so I went back to get it with my friend. But I got lost along the way in this sort of underground labyrinth city type place, and I wandered into a kitchen type place, where a subtitle informed me I had been knocked out by a frying pan. The dream now cuts to inside a classroom, wherein the professor announces a trip to a giant beef chili bowl. This was part of our plan to dispose this guy who wanted me dead, because it was known this guy was a huge fan of beef-chili. Then I wake up.you must be the smartest damn person on the planet cause that was one REALLY messed up dream :p

personally, I never remember any of my dreams for more than a couple minutes. I have a couple I remember from years ago, but I doubt any cares about my dreams from '96 or so.

16 Oct 2007, 03:20
I dreamt that Slick was being interviewed on 60 Minutes. By Dan Rather.
And I saw his REAL FACE. :cool:

I can't remember what they were talking about, unfortunately.
Also, there was a picnic.

23 Oct 2007, 00:00
On Saturday I dreamed I was on a canoe trip through a perilous Chinese jungle, where the rivers were full of all kinds of cute but deadly fish. Somehow later I ended up on a field trip to a 'temple of doom', which I figured must be from the Indiana Jones stories. The band Slayer played a gig there, and afterwards the singer was wearing Kiss makeup for some reason. It turned out they'd added a pianist to their line up, and he started arguing with the rest of the band about the groupies who were jumping on their aeroplane (which happened to be parked right there), so the audience started leaving.

24 Oct 2007, 14:47
Last dream i had (yesterday) was me playing my djembe ( http://images.google.com/images?client=safari&rls=en&q=djembe&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi&oi=property_suggestions&resnum=0&ct=property-revision&cd=1 ) in front of church, then the scene swapped to a garden filled with kids, and back to church.

Sums up what I've been doing; the last 2 days I have been playing djembe infornt of a hundred toddlers in church. I guess the garden would be there because I've spent a lot of time outside lately.

25 Oct 2007, 03:35
Does that happen often? I have lucid dreams with alarming regularity, and I often wonder if there's anyone else who has them as frequently.

Woah sorry for never answering this. I've never had one before or since :(

25 Oct 2007, 03:40
That's a shame. There are methods of tricking yourself into lucid dreaming. I've never used them - I discovered them by accident after researching it.

25 Oct 2007, 05:15
I personally don't want to lucid dream.

I'd rather let my subconscious have full rein over the weird worlds it makes up.

Some of my coolest environment ideas came from dreams. Yes.

26 Nov 2007, 21:10
I dreamed I was Sonic The Hedgehog, in an old-style game which alternated between 2D and 3D, and I was running around collecting weird-looking things, trying to find my way but not really knowing where I was going. I had to carry a timer which looked like a fried egg, and when I only had one minute left, its innards started changing from white to yellow in a pie chart motion. Sadly, time ran out before I could find the finish.

26 Nov 2007, 21:29
I dreamed I was Sonic The Hedgehog, in an old-style game which alternated between 2D and 3D, and I was running around collecting weird-looking things, trying to find my way but not really knowing where I was going. I had to carry a timer which looked like a fried egg, and when I only had one minute left, its innards started changing from white to yellow in a pie chart motion. Sadly, time ran out before I could find the finish.

Awesome :D

26 Nov 2007, 22:11
I finally remembered one of my dreams, first one ever, and really clearly too, in fact I wrote it down. It was... odd.

The start isn't very clear, but it did have something to do with the opening of Dragon Quest. Anyway, this somehow lead to me and my friend falling off of a cliff, but my friend was a black bear, and we somehow ended up falling off of the universe (as it turns out it's an inky black ocean with a light grey sky). Anyway, there's actually other universes which are just small islands in this sea, and one of them is a small hot tub where black bears bathe in warm honey. (It might have been a bear heaven now I think about it.) We somehow ended up in one that was a sort of shopping mall, where you step in a teleporter to move between areas. We didn't have any money, so we went to a newcomers area.
They explained to us that this was the real universe, and ours was just a computer simulation (I've never heard that before :rolleyes:.) Oddly, this universe was like an MMORPG, with monsters prowling around that you have to fight. Not only that, but we each had a "true form", which was one of the races in this universe. It turns out that I'm one of the rare "dancing chicken" race, of which there's only 4, and we're quite vicious too. My friend is of the "wombat" race. Anyway, we had the power to jump between this dimension and ours, so I went back, and I now had a "console" at the top of my vision. After aciidentally cliking through pop-up messages to try and prevent my mouse being disabled, I end up doing a quite spectacular and flashy dimension jump when in a public computer room.

It ended there, unfortunately. It just seems odd that some parts are vague, while others are really specific.

EDIT: Just realised my over-zealous use of "Anyway," in the above post, sorry.

27 Nov 2007, 08:42
Could it be that you play computer games way too much? :)

I recently dreamed that I was hit by a car when I tried to cross the street.
I almost made it to the other side when it hit in the hips. I got smacked down onto the pavement and hit the curb with my head.
I got up on my knees and was feeling extremely dizzy.

A very unpleasant dream.

27 Nov 2007, 09:32
I dreamed I was Sonic The Hedgehog, in an old-style game which alternated between 2D and 3D, and I was running around collecting weird-looking things, trying to find my way but not really knowing where I was going. I had to carry a timer which looked like a fried egg, and when I only had one minute left, its innards started changing from white to yellow in a pie chart motion. Sadly, time ran out before I could find the finish.
I dreamt I was Sonic once, it looked like one of those 2D levels, but it was 3D, and I was going around all those crazy loops at a million miles an hour, in first person view...it was fun.

I finally remembered one of my dreams, first one ever, and really clearly too, in fact I wrote it down. It was... odd.
Hah! That sounds like something I would dream. Especially the "true form" thing, I've had a few dreams like that, where I dream myself as being some weird thing.

27 Nov 2007, 11:09
I think I randomly turned into Sonic during one of my dreams. Not in any particular event, I'm just myself at the start of the dream and Sonic later on. I didn't really do anything fun, though. And the location was Holiday Island from Pilotwings 64.

27 Nov 2007, 12:25
Could it be that you play computer games way too much? :)
What makes it even more odd is that I've never played an MMORPG or used a console in a game. Ever. So it hardly comes from experience.

15 Jan 2008, 08:26
One really recurring dream I keep having A LOT is that I stumble into any everyday store, and I find SNES games in the shelves. And sometimes N64 games too. But I never find the games that I'm looking for. :(
I had this dream yesterday, which prompted me to plug my snes back into the tv. My sister recently decided she no longer wants a tv in her room and we had placed that tv in the kitchen. So I took that tv to my room instead. Now I need to get my games back, which will be hard since, even tho I know of places that still sell SNES cartridges, they allways have almost only crappy games... the ones I want I can probably only find them in ebay or something... :(
Currently I have Pilotwings, Street Fighter II*, Street Figher Alpha*(which seems to run oddly slow :s), Tiny Tunes Adventures: Buster Busts Loose, Donkey Kong Country*, The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past*, and I think Mario Paint is also lying around... tough the mouse is lost.

Man I hate myself for having lost almost all of my favorite games in such a stupid way. Top Gear, SMRPG, Super Mario World, Street Fighter II Turbo, DKC2, DKC3... :(

*This are the only old favorites that I managed to find and buy about 2 years ago... the rest I still have since I first got them.

15 Jan 2008, 09:22
Recurring dreams are bizarre. There's one I remember because I used to have it so many damn times when I was younger. I'd be standing with my mother in line at the bank, and then a circle would appear in the floor I was standing on. It would turn into an elevator and, depending on whether I went up or down, I'd be taken to either a room with live dinosaurs or a room with dinosaur skeletons on display. Possibly the rest of my family was taken out of line in the same way. I guess we escaped then, because we'd make it to a car park building and find it was night and the gate was locked, so we'd have to take off up a ramp in our old Honda and crash through a bunch of windows to get out.

17 Jan 2008, 03:11
i had an awesome dream last night and i transcribed it to paper when i woke up, i'll copy it down later

2 Feb 2008, 14:35
I dreamed about a cafe which was shaped like a huge tree or a sky tower. The only way you could get up to it was to stand next to the trunk of the thing and dangerously throw a bowling ball up in such a way as to activate a tray thing which slid down so you could grab onto it and get pulled up. The theme of the food at the cafe was dough, and to fuel this, they had a giant pipe which pumped liquid dough up for them to use. For whatever reason, when they were done using the dough, they were left with a lot of liquid dough waste which was then pumped out through a second pipe. An unforeseen problem was posed when power to the cafe was lost. The dough continued to pump into the cafe, but they were no longer processing the dough and pumping it out again, so it started to overflow. In an epic disaster, the entire town started being flooded by liquid dough. Somehow my father managed to get a floodway organized to protect a particular area, in case the dough started flooding it, and he was commended by the media. Possibly something to do with him having been a civil engineer in real life. Luckily, the dough seemed to have finally stopped.

2 Feb 2008, 14:55
oh yeah, forgot about this thread.

I dreamt I was visiting some mexican lady I don't know. me and some of my family were there visiting for dinner. well, the lady cooked us a meal that my mom usually cooks except she made it mexican-y. I know this because I remember thinking and commenting that it tasted good even though it's an odd meal to be mexicanized. while we were eating we were watching the news. apparently the big story on the news was Bono (U2 guy) died. they didn't elaborate, just that he died and it was a big news report about it, though said report seemed to offer no more information other than he died.

then I woke up.


3 Feb 2008, 12:19
Oddly enough, plugging the Snes to the TV has almost completely stopped the recurring dream. Now I don't dream it as often.

10 Feb 2008, 23:05
When I was a kid, before attending school even, I had this very short nightmare that creeped the hell out of me.

I was by at the edge of a forest near the main road leading towards stockholm from where I lived, hiding behind some tree or bush I was watching a bus that came down the road. Now, my vision being inside the bus, I could se the bus was empty except for two passangers, an old man and an old woman. A narrating male voice asked a question in a very mysterious kind of way, though with a bad choice of words but in the dream it made sense: What is the problem with a man and a woman riding alone on a bus? The awnser; they vannish.
And just as the voice said that they dissapeared, and now from my hiding spot I saw the bus drive on. :eek:

Star Worms
13 Feb 2008, 18:36
Didn't notice this thread. So without furtherado:


13 Feb 2008, 18:43
When I was a kid, before attending school even, I had this very short nightmare that hell out of me.


lol, cool.

14 Feb 2008, 00:01
I haven't had a dream, lucid or otherwise, in what is now approaching four weeks. I'm starting to worry.

21 Feb 2008, 08:10
I had a nightmare that Paul Newman was trying to rob me at knifepoint. It was very scary and stressful at the time! Most of the nightmare consisted of him holding onto me with the knife pointed at my neck.

I blame watching Lost last night, with all the weapons they have in that show.

27 Feb 2008, 22:49
So a few nights ago, I dreamt I'd walked into my local Computer Exchange (like GAME, but they don't sell new games, only second hand stuff), and for some reason they were doing this special deal. Not only could you buy a Silver Xbox, but it also came with a free china set, with plates, mugs, and even this massive bowl that was bigger than my head. For some crazy reason, I thought this was excellent, so I went to buy it.

It was £7999.

I said I couldn't afford it, and walked out the store. Then, I woke up.

WTF is wrong with my dreams? They're so ass. And why do I remember the price so specifically and clearly?

27 Feb 2008, 23:07
this massive bowl that was bigger than my head. For some crazy reason, I thought this was excellent

So the bowl could fit a melon in it then, that would be excellent for you. :p

27 Feb 2008, 23:20
So a few nights ago, I dreamt I'd walked into my local Computer Exchange (like GAME, but they don't sell new games, only second hand stuff), and for some reason they were doing this special deal. Not only could you buy a Silver Xbox, but it also came with a free china set, with plates, mugs, and even this massive bowl that was bigger than my head. For some crazy reason, I thought this was excellent, so I went to buy it.

It was £7999.

and here i was thinking 599 us dollars was ridiculous *rimshot*

6 Mar 2008, 20:53
I dreamed that a cat was carrying plants in pots in and out of our house. I seemed to be trading plants with him, and I offered to pirate a CD for him too. The plants were cloneable in the dream, kind of like the CD. :D

7 Mar 2008, 06:31
I keep thinking about the only real flying dream I've ever had. It was the coolest. I had to focus on it really hard to do it, and if I started to lose my concentration I would start to lose altitude, but if I kept my focus, I could do all kinds of cool stuff. I was flying under power lines (usually on purpose) and things, and like all of my dreams, it was just so vivid and real, with the wind blowing by me and the sensation of being dozens of feet in the air and everything. It was a real bummer to wake up from that one.

Never had a flying dream before or since. My dad says he has them surprisingly often.

7 Mar 2008, 07:54
I've never had one of those...:p At least, I haven't remembered having one of those...

20 May 2008, 00:43
I dreamed I went to England with a local band, went along a bizarre road with spirals and things, and met a couple of Wormers. I think they were Melon and Wiz! :eek:

20 May 2008, 05:02
Forgot about this thread.

The other night I had a dream I was playing Gameboy in the car (I wasn't driving) and then a police officer pulls us over because my volume is too loud (it wasn't loud) and suddenly I became the driver of the car and the officer kept asking for me to get things out of the car such as the gameboy charger and stuff for him to see as he evaluated whether or not to give me a ticket. One of the times I went into the car I discovered it was parked in the fast lane of the freeway and figured I should probably move it. So I start to move it and forget I'd been pulled over and drive off, and nothing more happens with the police officer. But then my car is for some reason really hard for me to drive. Turning the wheel barely turns the car, and the wheel is really stubborn and hard to turn. So I was driving home like that until I woke up. Amazingly I didn't hit anything...

20 May 2008, 08:56
I dreamed I went to England with a local band, went along a bizarre road with spirals and things, and met a couple of Wormers. I think they were Melon and Wiz! :eek:
I don't know if I should be flattered or creeped out.

21 May 2008, 01:15
When I sprained my wrists, all I dreamt that night was me UV mapping and texturing my hand. Man I hate those dreams..
"no, I can't make a planar projection on thoose polygons, it hurts too much"

21 May 2008, 22:24
Haha, I know those sorts of dreams Xinos. They focus on the part of you that's sick or injured and get boring fast. When I had some sort of fever once, I dreamed I had 50 nostrils which all needed wiping.

21 May 2008, 23:40
50 nostrils which all needed wiping.

Now THAT is trippy...

22 May 2008, 07:37
I had a pretty large dream for the first time in a while last night..

There was a rather scary part where all the clouds melted, and flowed down towards the ground like thick paint, then zoomed at me, there they would disapear and start over. The process looped many many times.. All the people in town were standing around watching this phenomenon, and everybody was very frightened. TV news was reporting on it since it was happening all around the world. Nobody could figure out why the clouds were behaving so strangely, but it was generally understood that it was because we have been destroying our planets envoironment, and people started to regret it intensly now.

Then the dream moved on to lighter issues like were a woman in a blue bikini tried to sell me bread that she had baked on her computer, while my christian classmate tried to argue with her over what true knowledge is. :p

22 May 2008, 11:39
I had a strange dream where I was in some kind of totalitarian regime.
The country consisted only of a building complex with several rooms though.
In every room some ministers and other political figures were discussing and holding lectures in classrooms.
That's about all the regime was doing...

25 May 2008, 06:57
I had a dream where i accidentally turned my hair blonde and (much later) made out with my friend. That last part was much much weirder than the first part.

25 May 2008, 12:47
I had some bizarre dream which involved eating a horrible lunch, getting trapped in a treehouse with a bunch of loons and saving some girl from the future with the power of a USB pen drive.

I woke up oddly relaxed afterwards.

26 May 2008, 00:00
Last night I had a very interesting dream.

I'm in a sushi restaurant with Amy. Not my ex-girlfriend Amy, but rather Amy Mk.II*. It's one of those sushi restaurants where you're basically sat at a bar. We were sat there talking and having fun when my ex-girlfriend Amy and her boyfriend Paul (who I recently learnt has proposed to Amy, so they're not engaged) walk in. Ex-girlfriend Amy looks surprised to see me, but as the only free chairs are to my right she asks if I'd mind if she sat there. I tell her it doesn't bother me in the slightest, and so her and Paul sit down and place their orders.

Amy Mk.II and I are talking, smiling, laughing, and generally having a good time, but I'm aware that Ex-Amy's eyes are constantly flitting in my direction. She seems annoyed, like somehow I'm not supposed to be having any sort of fun whatsoever. I turn around to see if she's alright and she doesn't answer, instead turning to Paul for a ruddy great big snogging session. Only she's not really looking at him while she does it - she's looking at me to gauge my reaction to this.

My reaction is "indifference". I'm having fun with Amy Mk.II, why should I care if my ex is getting smoochy with her boyfriend? She eventually gets fed up and storms out of the restaurant with her boyfriend in tow.

__________________________________________________ ___________
* I met this Amy when I went back to England to visit my family in March. Her last name begins with Fo, and my ex's last name was Fl. I'm worried that if I get involved with her people will think I'm trying to work my way through Luton in alphabetical order.

26 May 2008, 03:02
Her last name begins with Fo, and my ex's last name was Fl. I'm worried that if I get involved with her people will think I'm trying to work my way through Luton in alphabetical order.

Don't worry, the secret of your master plan is safe with us. But if everyone around you starts changing their names to Amy Fr... you'll know why.

27 May 2008, 07:10
Hmm, Amy Winehouse isn't from Luton by any chance?

10 Jun 2008, 01:39
Had a nightmare where I was meant to be travelling around the world, but I got off the plane thinking "that wasn't a very long trip", and it turned out I'd only made it as far as Fiji. The airport security seemed a bit slack. Then things turned into some sort of weird gun battle.

24 Jun 2008, 23:23
Boy did I have a f**ked up dream this morning. Maybe it's fuelled by the food I eat. Anyway, my sister and her friend wanted to slide through a shrinking device which makes a person a lot shorter and makes them look like a kid again. Somehow this machine was powered by the ancient practice of 'Cattling', which means killing someone with sex and leaving their body to fossilize in the position it was when they died. So I got to see lots of skulls with crazy expressions on their faces. Totally related to there being a mummified skeleton on CSI: NY last night.

29 Jun 2008, 10:24
:D Yes it's me, dreaming again. I dreamed I was some kind of spy or something, it's really hard to remember. Anyway, the highlight of a dream was when someone pushed a gigantic teddy bear off a skyscraper. It got stuck between buildings and knocked over a strange pole/tower thing with a satellite dish on it. People died and others got impaled with shrapnel. Eventually the teddy bear fell the rest of the way, and one person was lucky it didn't land on them.

29 Jun 2008, 20:19

I've been having some weird dreams lately, but I haven't been writing them down so I can't remember them... I had one the other day where I was in a warehouse of sorts and somehow that turned into Starcraft. There was a lot more to the dream, but I've forgotten it...

Oh, in writing that I just now vaguely remembered a dream I had a long time ago I'd forgotten about. I was a part of some sort of play, but the stage was this giant forest with mountains. And it was this crazy mystical forest, and then at some point the storyline shifted such that the forest suddenly became the object of interest and I was no longer in a play or anything. I don't remember much from what I did, but I remember climbing this mountain and there was this icy area with a lake with floating bits of ice you could stand on, and the area was full of creatures that resembled Zoras but they also resembled seals. And I don't know how this fits in, but there was this gigantic waterside type thing I went down at some point.

I can never remember plots or what happened in dreams, but often I can remember the essence, the feeling of being there or images of what something looked like. But usually I can't remember exactly what something looked like, but I remember the essence of what it looked like. Dreams are so weird. I sometimes wonder if my dreams even contain any sort of storyline coherencies or if they're just a batch of imagery and states of mind, and then I try to apply coherency when I try to remember it after waking up. I feel as if dreams are like crazy drugs that are good for you.:p

2 Jul 2008, 18:28
I had a dream my band headlined Glastonbury and Richard Ashcroft (Lead singer of The Verve) brought me a pint.

Pretty awesome dream. :)

16 Jul 2008, 05:44
I remember two bits from my dream last night. There was a bit where summer ended and I went back to school, and it felt like summer was way to short. Then there's a big part I don't remember, but then next I know I'm on a floating platform really high up with a friend of mine, and we're going to jump together. O.o Then we spot our love interests (I don't think she was someone I know) on a similar platform planning to do the same. This entire thing was in 3rd person. So my friend's lover jumps, so he jumps, and so not to be beaten at it I jump and then my lover jumps. I remember it wasn't scary because it was just 3rd person and it was like watching someone else. I made myself aerodynamic to be lower in order to impact before my friend as it almost became a sort of competition. And then my love interest did the same to catch up to me. And then we kissed and embraced as we fell. I had some kind of HUD altimeter, so I knew I started at 9800 feet and kept track of my my descent. But it was really weird because I was prefectly content through all of it, probably helped by the 3rd person aspect. I think I woke up when or before I hit the ground, but I don't remember that too well.

I'm sure Freud would have a field day with that one...:p

16 Jul 2008, 16:42
I keep getting nightmares lately and it sucks.

16 Jul 2008, 18:19
I had the most peculiar dream last night. It started out with taking the train to my old school (something I never did), which was some sort of rickety miniature railway. I managed to miss the train by getting off the carriage as it started to move, so I cycled instead. It was dark, as it is in the mornings :p, so I needed lights on my bike, of which I for some reason had 2 front lights, which was very significant but I can't remember why. Then I got to this school, which was empty where I found an old classroom where (and this is the weird bit) the OD forum was kept. It was just one of those stands with large sheets paper stuck on it, so I decided to post by scribbling a note on the front sheet. I think I then cycled home.

I don't remember having any dreams when it was dark in the dream before, either.

16 Jul 2008, 23:23
I had the most peculiar dream last night. It started out with taking the train to my old school (something I never did), which was some sort of rickety miniature railway. I managed to miss the train by getting off the carriage as it started to move, so I cycled instead. It was dark, as it is in the mornings :p, so I needed lights on my bike, of which I for some reason had 2 front lights, which was very significant but I can't remember why. Then I got to this school, which was empty where I found an old classroom where (and this is the weird bit) the OD forum was kept. It was just one of those stands with large sheets paper stuck on it, so I decided to post by scribbling a note on the front sheet. I think I then cycled home.

I don't remember having any dreams when it was dark in the dream before, either.
You finally have found the inner sanctuary of OD.
You are now a full member. You should receive an e-mail soon.

Also, now that every current OD member has found it, we can start a new round of invitations.

17 Jul 2008, 13:29
Ok here's one I kinda remember that's creepy as ****, as always.

So I'm living on this building. Hanging out with neighbors, partying with friends, just having fun all around, like some kind of sitcom. But after a while, I realize the building I'm in is actually abandoned. All that partying and fun has just been memories of years ago. A fantasy or an illusion. The building has aged terribly and is mostly falling apart. Stairs have collapsed, elevators look like death traps, and for some reason the building easily leans to whatever side I go. Looking out the window, I'm far too high up to jump. The streets seem abandoned too, nothing like I remember, everything looks different. I'm all alone trapped inside the building and it's only a matter of time before it finally crumbles down. I think I wake up by then.

17 Jul 2008, 19:03
Ok here's one I kinda remember that's creepy as ****, as always.

So I'm living on this building. Hanging out with neighbors, partying with friends, just having fun all around, like some kind of sitcom. But after a while, I realize the building I'm in is actually abandoned. All that partying and fun has just been memories of years ago. A fantasy or an illusion. The building has aged terribly and is mostly falling apart. Stairs have collapsed, elevators look like death traps, and for some reason the building easily leans to whatever side I go. Looking out the window, I'm far too high up to jump. The streets seem abandoned too, nothing like I remember, everything looks different. I'm all alone trapped inside the building and it's only a matter of time before it finally crumbles down. I think I wake up by then.

That sounds like a really rather interesting dream. I get quite a lot discovering old railways and such, I really love them.

18 Jul 2008, 22:33
You finally have found the inner sanctuary of OD.
You are now a full member. You should receive an e-mail soon.

Also, now that every current OD member has found it, we can start a new round of invitations.

how can i have been here for so long and not yet have discovered this : (

22 Jul 2008, 12:11
Although I've had some freaky dream-related stuff recently, i think last night's was pretty tame except that the soundtrack (my dreams don't usually have soundtracks) was "For Kate I Wait" by Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti :-/ or maybe it wasn't the soundtrack and just played a very prominent role. I don't know. It does seem like a dream soundtrack song though, definitely.

20 Sep 2008, 04:34
I had a very contrasted dream/nightmare hybrid, possibly induced by my hayfever. I was watching movies or something and I had an acoustic guitar in parts that were supposed to fit together easily, but I was having trouble. Then when I had it together I was having trouble tightening the strings. Some guy posing as a police officer or something but wearing an orange fluoro vest went into a bunch of places including where I was, pretending to be searching for weapons, but instead pick-pocketed a bunch of wallets including mine. I remembered I'd seen the same guy eyeing the windscreen wipers of my car previously, while they had been lying on the ground for some inexplicable reason. Too bad for him, because I didn't have my car with me this time. We chased him but he got away. The real nightmare was trying to get my credit card cancelled. The bank wouldn't do it, so I had to go to this other organization. To get into their office you had to enter the elevator on one side and exit on the other, even though it was on the same floor. Except, it didn't work unless you rode it up a floor and back down, as otherwise the 2nd door wouldn't open. I had my laptop with me and was logged in to Internet banking. The thief had somehow managed to take out a 2nd credit card in my name too. Apparently he had posted the credit card numbers online, because there was 100s of small charges for CDs and things, until it had maxed out. Normally I can easily remember my credit card number, but in the dream I could only remember 3 blocks of 4 numbers, and not even what order they go in, hence the trouble getting it cancelled.

The upside of the dream? There was a cafe of some sort out the back of the organization, where hot girls were hanging out, and they served delicious desserts with ice cream. :D

24 Mar 2009, 23:54
Help me. Now I am dreaming about Internet forums.

I dreamed I went on the Team17 forum, and there was a discussion asking what happened to Luther... apparently he hadn't posted for 3 years. Then he surfaced, but he'd packed his things into a box and he was leaving the company. I searched through his box of things... there were lots of artworks, and I found a brochure. The brochure was advertising a competition for girls to read their poetry while partially naked. :p

In another dream I had, there was a whole lot of machinery and vehicles and things from WWII which had been buried or abandoned, and people were protesting because the government had neglected it. So they got the machinery going and tried to start up WWII again. The place where the stuff had been abandoned had a huge underground tunnel, and it got turned into a tourist attraction. I visited it, and then saw a local band play outside, next to a playground. The band was one I'd said I wanted to see on another forum. For some reason, the band had at least two girls in the line-up now. On the same forum there had been a discussion about the pros & cons of having girls in a band.

25 Mar 2009, 07:37
I had a pretty bizare dream about a woman in an anime-style battle suit fighting the entire cast of Stargate SG1 in an office block.
She killed all the extras by removing large chunks of their foreheads with a powerdrill and a 30mm hole-cutter bit.
Then Samantha Carter disarms her by removing the battery.

25 Mar 2009, 14:21
I had a dream in which zombies were trying to get into my house. They were friendly zombies, though, so we all had a bit of a laugh when I caved their heads in with a curtain pole. The cat I owned in the dream was also there, and eating brains.

I only seem to remember the dreams I enjoy but I guess that's probably normal.

25 Mar 2009, 16:25
I had a dream in which zombies were trying to get into my house. They were friendly zombies, though, so we all had a bit of a laugh when I caved their heads in with a curtain pole. The cat I owned in the dream was also there, and eating brains.

I only seem to remember the dreams I enjoy but I guess that's probably normal.
dreams where it's like you're in a video game are the best dreams

26 Mar 2009, 07:29
Last night I had a dream where I was in one of those "popular" reality shows.
The moderator and jury member was Dieter Bohlen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieter_Bohlen) (ex-Modern Talking (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Talking)) from the German version of that superstar show (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschland_sucht_den_Superstar).

In the show some contestants, including me, had to get out of various buildings that where riddled with traps and obstacles to get over.
Only some time later I realized that all those traps where rigged, so you would never make it past them, e.g. ropes that you're supposed to climb up would break.

I then found a big red fire axe (like the one that the Pyro in TF2 has) and started to sneak away and smash a door in, only to find that the door was barred with iron railings on the other side.

There was a cut in my dream then and I was outside of the building on a parking lot. The show seemed to be over and I could hear the jury talking to the remaining candidates.
I didn't care and went to Dieter Bohlen's car and pierced all four tires with my fire axe and finally hacked it into the hood, where it remained stuck.

26 Mar 2009, 13:55
I had more memorable dreams last night in which my cat was eating baby skunk-spiders. Andi Peters was also telling me how upset he was because he enjoys dressing as a woman. Oh, and somehow I could descend stairs between flights.

1 May 2009, 03:02
i had the smart foresight to journal down my very odd dream as soon as i woke up from my nap about five minutes ago. i'm glad that i was able to take it down, because it allows me to see how my subconscious connects ideas in very strange ways. and here it is:

I was walking down a hallway of some school somewhere and apologized to some kid for something had said to him. He wasn't sufficiently benevolent in his response or something, so I asked him, "I'm sorry, do you think my apology isn't authentic enough or something?" He then proceeded to claim that my apology could never be authentic. There were undercurrents here - I was an economically privileged white kid and he was a poor black guy - so I felt that my privilege, which I could not control, was the reason for his animosity. So, naturally, I cussed him out. Things escalated, and it turned into an all-out fight. Just a drag-down, knockout brawl.

Things went nuts and the whole school got into it. At the top of a staircase, I got knocked down and my left eyeball popped out, which is where things went into a strange sort of half-first person half-third person kind of thing, where I was taking part in some sort of story about some sort of young kid who is brilliant. Like, he could really excel if he wanted to, but he doesn't want to put forth the effort to try. So this kid comes home, seeing doubles and having an extended range of vision in one eye because he replaced his knocked-out eyeball with a glass eyeball, or somebody else's eyeball, and it causes him to perceive things a bit differently. I felt like I was at the point in young adult lit where the kid is about to have some sort of major transformation.

So he is sorting coins, which conveniently have labels on the edges saying what kind of coins they are, and then says that he wants to go to the casino with this cash. He wonders if "black and blue" insurance will pay for it. Haha, because he got injured today? So says Mom, who is used to his genius and accepts it in a detached kind of way. [I found this bit interesting because it seemed funny in the dream, but obviously it really isn't. Maybe this has something to do with the way I create jokes?]

So the kid gets into the car and drives toward the casino, but then he sees some sort of circus tent. Here he/I turn(s) into Batman! And Batman is directing some sort of crazy stunt that the Joker is performing. The Joker is in a small tent of some sort. Batman directs (literally, like an orchestra director with a baton) a large stone golem of some sort to breathe or toss (can't remember) a fireball into the tent, to allow the Joker to execute some sort of crazy stunt. Because a cannon then comes out, which Joker climbs into. The golem tosses another fireball. The cannon seems to explode, but Joker doesn't pop out. All that comes out is a long, red line of fuzziness – this is the line that was supposed to carry him upward in the trick. Ah, and here attached to the red fuzzy line is a red fuzzy coathanger, which he was unable to grab hold of. Joker's secret in this trick is revealed, but he manages to laugh it off, making some sort of clever ad-lib remark about the coathanger that the audience appreciatively applauds.

At some point here I am no longer Batman and the Joker is no longer Joker - he is just a burned out, long-time stunt artist who doesn't seem to be able to make things work anymore. He's ranting like a prophet about the decline of the financial industry and other things, but he's frustrated. Frustrated because he knows there's probably even bigger things out there, but Lansing and Washington (apparently we're in Michigan now) refuse to address them. A guy asks the performer for his name, but he is unwilling to give it - he has become just another cog in the machine.

Then I woke up.

1 May 2009, 03:16
Hah, awesome description. The eyeball popping out leading to half third person perspective is funny.

Was it Heath Ledger's Joker?

1 May 2009, 03:21
Hah, awesome description. The eyeball popping out leading to half third person perspective is funny.

Was it Heath Ledger's Joker?
no, it was the "classic" joker, the painted-up clown you see in most of the comic books

1 May 2009, 03:22
also after having this dream i am concerned that my subconscious might be deeply, fundamentally racist

1 May 2009, 10:06
You can't call your subconscious racist because of a dream. You could be reflecting on someone else's view which has been expressed to you.

I mean, the only thing in your description (unless I misread it) which even hints at racism is the fact that you were a rich white guy and the guy you fought with was a poor black guy. Attributing poverty to black people could be down to the fact that slavery took place, you know? That's historical fact, not prejudice.

Maybe you were atoning for your sins in a previous life in which you were a racist slave-driving *******. Maybe you were a slave in a previous life and you wanted to force your mind's eye into the mind of those who oppressed you. Maybe previous lives don't exist at all.

Also, you lost the fight. In fact, you lost an eye. An eye for an eye, perhaps? A loss of half your vision which could be perceived as losing half your ideas, half your conceptions, half your morals, half your mind... read into that.

1 May 2009, 20:54
A while ago I dreamt I was playing a sequel for Psychonauts. It was rather spiffy. I was in a level similar to the Goggalor level, except Raz was regular sized and I had to fight a large monster.

Also last night I dreamt I met Tim Schafer, although he was also Peter Molyneux at moments. :confused:

1 May 2009, 23:02
I mean, the only thing in your description (unless I misread it) which even hints at racism is the fact that you were a rich white guy and the guy you fought with was a poor black guy. Attributing poverty to black people could be down to the fact that slavery took place, you know? That's historical fact, not prejudice.

well i mean my whole motive for cussing him out was specifically because he was calling me out for being rich and white. in reality white privilege is a really bad thing that i am unable to control, but i feel guilty about it, not self-defensive

3 May 2009, 01:37
had a weird one just a bit ago.

don't remember many of the more specific details, of course, but the general was this: the death star was intentionally crashed into the ground very nearby my house (probably a few miles away, I just saw it as being the size of a nearby mountain, so I have no idea how far that would be. ya know? not having ever seen the death star crashed into earth before :p). it was some sort of government plan, but was never specified WHY in the dream. I also met with some variety of bipedal talking animals who lived in the same house and generally the same area in another dimension or some such. we were all going to check out the cool new death star so close by. while said animal people were driving on their way to meet up with the animal person who lived in my house, I remember some rather pretty scenery of grapes growing mixed in with the normal trees. these grapes were covered in water from, presumably, a recent rain, and the water had actually beaded up large enough to cover entire grapes in a thick film and to fill in places where there weren't any grapes at all.

3 May 2009, 22:53
Last night I dreamt Michelle and I were in the front room of my Mum's house. My Mum was using the downstairs toilet, so I decided that rather than walk up the stairs and use the toilet up there I would just whizz in the middle of the living room.

The look on Michelle's face was not one of shock and horror, but rather one of "Hurry up, she'll be back in here soon."

But I just kept peeing.

4 May 2009, 00:18
But I just kept peeing.

And when you woke up, you were soaked. :p

4 May 2009, 09:59
Actually when I woke up I really needed to pee. So I did what all men do under those circumstances: I rolled over and went back to sleep for another hour.

4 May 2009, 18:13
"Hurry up, she'll be back in here soon."
Awesome logic you're dreaming there. :)
Actually when I woke up I really needed to pee. So I did what all men do under those circumstances: I rolled over and went back to sleep for another hour.
Hooray for our prostates!

5 May 2009, 05:33
Actually when I woke up I really needed to pee. So I did what all men do under those circumstances: I rolled over and went back to sleep for another hour.
waking up and having to pee is seriously the worst ****ing thing

thank god i have one hell of a prostate, but still

5 May 2009, 07:10
I don't mind getting up to go to the toilet and then going back to bed. Despite it being a dangerous feat too, given that my house is full of useless crap all over the place so walking half asleep without bumping into something is like trying to swim across a river without getting wet.

5 May 2009, 09:21
The problem with getting up half asleep to go for pee is that you might wake completely and can't sleep any more afterwards.
When I do it, I keep my eyes closed and my head lowered when sitting on the bowl.

5 May 2009, 11:18
It's official, then.

Everyone is always picking on you, bonz, because you run like a girl and you sit down to pee.

I've never seen you run but I now picture you with pigtails. ;)

...and I like it.

5 May 2009, 11:49
One of the dangers of waking up and needing to pee is that you run the risk, upon returning to bed, of being utterly incapable of falling asleep again. Of course sometimes you're still far too tired to be aware of the fact that you've even gotten up, and on those occasions it's quite easy to slip back to sleep. So on the occasions when I wake up and my brain is functioning adequately enough for me to think, "Ah, I might not be going back to sleep when I get into bed," I have a fool-proof solution.

I fake it.

I find pretending that I'm a tired, zombified mess of a morning person makes it so much easier to slip back to sleep after a jaunt to the bathroom. I have no idea why this works, but it does.

5 May 2009, 12:30
I just do a bonz. I keep my eyes closed and my head bowed. makes me feel sort of like I'm still sleeping, so I don't fully awaken.

5 May 2009, 16:36
There is always the risk of people being right outside my room. My bedroom is adjacent to the dining room, so people might be sitting there having breakfast, and engaging in conversation (even if it's just "F* off, I'm still asleep") will wake me up too much. So if I hear voices I tend to just stay in bed, while I plan schemes on how to get to the bathroom and back unnoticed and unbothered.

It was worse when I lived with my parents though, as my mother could not grasp the concept of wanting to go back to bed if you get up past 8, or 10... She won't just say "good morning", no, she makes sure to ask me important things like if I have taken care of bank papers and stuff like that, obliterating any chance of me falling back to sleep again.

5 May 2009, 17:10
My problem is less wanting to go to the toilet, and more being hungry and wanting breakfast. So given how much extra thinking making breakfast requires compared with going to the loo, I've got no chance of getting back to sleep.

5 May 2009, 20:32
I have no problem getting back to sleep after I wake up. I can even go as far as waking up, head over to my grandparents house(about a block away) to open the door to the cleaning lady when my grandparents aren't home, and then come back home and fall asleep again.
I can't sleep at night tho, oddly... it usually takes me around an hour or so of rolling around in bed to fall asleep. Or staying up until 2-3 am at which point it's slightly easier for me to fall asleep.

5 May 2009, 21:18
I will often have full conversations with my girlfriend in the morning, making sense and behaving as though I'm awake and yet as soon as I'm not being talked to I fall back to sleep and forget I was ever awake. Literally. It can be a problem when I've promised to do something. :p

I love sleeping but it usually takes me 2-3 hours of lying in bed before I actually get any.

5 May 2009, 22:56
Hah, that's nothing! I can get up in the morning, go off and work all day, eat food, get home, spend too much time on the computer playing games and using the internet, and then go right back to sleep!

6 May 2009, 00:55
I have no problem going back to bed in the morning, no matter how many times, even if I've just had breakfast. Getting back out is the problem.

Going to the bathroom right after waking up, however, is a dangerous venture. I don't trust my half-sleepy-aim.

6 May 2009, 00:57
Going to the bathroom right after waking up, however, is a dangerous venture. I don't trust my half-sleepy-aim.this is likely where bonz's sitting comes in :p

6 May 2009, 01:01
Yes well.

6 May 2009, 01:02
lol, great comic.

7 May 2009, 11:25
I keep dreaming about LittleBigPlanet and in the dreams are the world's coolest contraptions. I should write some down so I can wake up and build them... I managed to remember one - I've built it but it's not in a level yet.

Maybe I should play it less.

17 May 2009, 17:36
Less? Bad idea.

I dreamt that I killed a man the other day. The circumstances were ... complex, to say the least.

17 May 2009, 20:16
dreamed that my dad got a free boat from our national representative in congress. naturally we decided to take it out for a drive in florida (where we lived on a river, for some reason) and we found that it wasn't especially seaworthy. water kept getting into the boat somehow, and then i discovered the reason: there was a hole that was supposed to be covered with a rubber plug, but the plug had come loose. i plugged it back in and used a pail to bail out all the excess water. then a guy near to us hooked a big fish, but the fish got caught on our boat (somehow the hook got lodged in something). my dad jumped into the water and worked the hook out of the side of the boat. the fisherman thanked us and proceeded to toss his huge, beautiful catfish right back into the water.

yeah i don't even know

19 May 2009, 13:24
Last night I dreamt there was a zombie apocalypse and I was killing them all by shooting them with a Wii Remote in the shape of a pistol. Then I was complaining because I hadn't chosen the Wii Remote in the shape of an automatic shotgun. I was running around woods and fields getting lots of headshots.

I got to this big house where a load of my friends were having a dinner party. There were no zombies anywhere in the house and everyone thought I was weird for thinking there would be. So we went outside and the house was suddenly in a town. My friends went on ahead while I packed some thing into my bag. In fact, I lost them and my bag was now one of those trolleys old women push along, except it had a reeeeaally long handle. I managed to race through the crowds of people in an attempt to catch my friends but they were long gone. So, I decided I'd take a bus home and at the bus stop an old lady tried to steal my trolley thing. "F*ck you" I said. She just smiled at me. I woke up.

20 May 2009, 12:11
Last night I dreamt there was a zombie apocalypse and I was killing them all by shooting them with a Wii Remote in the shape of a pistol. Then I was complaining because I hadn't chosen the Wii Remote in the shape of an automatic shotgun. I was running around woods and fields getting lots of headshots.

I got to this big house where a load of my friends were having a dinner party. There were no zombies anywhere in the house and everyone thought I was weird for thinking there would be. So we went outside and the house was suddenly in a town. My friends went on ahead while I packed some thing into my bag. In fact, I lost them and my bag was now one of those trolleys old women push along, except it had a reeeeaally long handle. I managed to race through the crowds of people in an attempt to catch my friends but they were long gone. So, I decided I'd take a bus home and at the bus stop an old lady tried to steal my trolley thing. "F*ck you" I said. She just smiled at me. I woke up.you're pregnant. congratulations.

20 May 2009, 12:13
It's about time! I eat loads of eggs, after all.

9 Jun 2009, 03:21
I dreamed I was in a sort of fantasy world where my sister was some kind of queen and there were balloons littered all over the ground. Everyone was helping search to try and find a particular purple balloon which contained a magic substance. So I was running around stomping on all the purple balloons and/or flying around shooting them with a blob-gun. Dark pink balloons were not spared either. Suddenly I got the idea to go inside. I found that as the queen, my sister had a command prompt for the world. I figured out that the variable name of the balloon we were searching for was SSBalloon. I entered the command "print SSBalloon", and then the magical purple balloon fell into my hands. We popped the balloon to release the magic, and it cleaned everything and made everything in the world bright and shiny and new.

In another dream the other day, I had a friend who was trying to cut down on the manly things in his life such as hanging out with his mates, all so he could concentrate on being with a woman he was infatuated with. Then I saw the rusty saxophone from the band I'd seen on Friday, along with the woman, and she was able to give advice on the rusty saxophone because she knew about rusty cars. It turned out that she was a mechanic, and my dreams tell punchlines. :D

15 Jun 2009, 14:11
Last night I dreamt I was in a kitchen with my previous cat and she was dying. It was really heart-wrenching because the last time I saw her in real life was in my mum's kitchen, where she was slowly dying.

Everything else in the dream fades to insignificance (such as my baby brother having Invader Zim's teeth, me being about 4" tall, my cat having fur-covered human hands and my grandma being in tears over a picture of a flat in which someone had once got food poisoning) but may actually have some bearing on the dream's meaning (if such things exist).

I miss my cat. On Friday we get our kitten. I have mixed feelings of sadness and overjoyedness.

15 Jun 2009, 14:15
Last night I dreamt I was in a kitchen with my previous cat and she was dying. It was really heart-wrenching because the last time I saw her in real life was in my mum's kitchen, where she was slowly dying.

Everything else in the dream fades to insignificance (such as my baby brother having Invader Zim's teeth, me being about 4" tall, my cat having fur-covered human hands and my grandma being in tears over a picture of a flat in which someone had once got food poisoning) but may actually have some bearing on the dream's meaning (if such things exist).

I miss my cat. On Friday we get our kitten. I have mixed feelings of sadness and overjoyedness.your cat's pregnant. congratulations.

15 Jun 2009, 14:19
She's dead, so she must be giving birth to zombie kittens...


19 Jun 2009, 03:48
I dreamt that the German air force (or Lüftewaffe, wasn't sure) was attacking modern day Osaka with what would, out of context, have been comically-oversized WWII-style incendiary bombers. It was thoroughly terrifying and not a little bizarre.

Early morning dreams are always horrible.

20 Jun 2009, 08:50
Not a dream, but:

The other evening, just before bed, I was listening to some of the songs from an mp3 magazine I'd bought while in England. Now tonight, I started listening to some more of the mp3s, editing the file tags and whatnot, and my dreams started coming back to me and it put me in a sort of trance. Then all of this morning's dreams started flooding back to me and I snapped out of the trance and felt nauseous. The nausea wore off, but the memories of the dreams keep coming.

I'd tell you what the dreams were, but the memories are all kind of fragmented and confusing at the moment.

Ironically one of the songs is Pain Dream by Bikini Eyebolt.

22 Aug 2009, 17:27
had a rather odd dream last night wherein i was the protagonist of what seemed to be the plot of some bizarre children's movie. i transcribed this to text as i could remember it but it's not exactly compelling at the moment so i'll try to edit it to make it as interesting as possible before posting

18 Apr 2010, 14:20
First part of my dream is hazy, but I remember being in some dude's mansion. We realised that militants were arriving, so I ran to grab a few things I wanted to take with me, and then we were kidnapped at gunpoint.

Next thing I remember is that I was nuking cities. I had an interactive screen in front of me displaying a world map, and it worked like a dart board. I threw tiny models of the nukes at the screen, and the "real" one would be launched to continue the path of the one I'd thrown. The nukes were ridiculously big canister things with flat lids, and they bounced randomly across countries before coming to a rest and exploding. For some reason, Australia (and maybe Africa as well) filled up more of the Indian ocean, so I was able to try and hit multiple cities at once. I aimed a couple at Australia, but I was worried that they would bounce across to New Zealand. One nuke bounced off a building in Gold Coast and caused the building to shrink horizontally, and then it bounced away to the north. I definitely nuked Afghanistan (the nuke bounced across from the west and rolled to a stop there) and Macau, and maybe Darwin as well. I visited Gold Coast but I couldn't find the aforementioned building, just lots of city blocks of burning rubble.

When I woke up and opened my blinds, I almost expected everything outside to be on fire after all the carnage I had propagated.

28 Aug 2010, 00:55
Welp, I just had a jolly nightmare. I was riding in a car with a guy from work and someone else, and he was looking at houses on the street I grew up in, even though they weren't for sale. There was a car broken down in the middle of the road, a bit like what happened to me the other day. We started looking at the house I grew up in. For some reason the house came with a tower on the opposite side of the road, with a TV satellite dish on top. We were peering into the garage, and though it looked like our old house on the outside, it was more like my parents' current house on the inside. Then I let them in, and we wandered around the garage. My workmate found two bottles of pee, and I explained my parents had put them there to keep out insects. I went by myself to look around the house, and soon found my mother hanged in the shower. She was wearing a hat/mask a bit like one from Worms Reloaded. Then I went upstairs and found my de facto aunt unconscious and tied up on the floor. I went and called emergency services, and I heard someone big thumping around and probably about to come up the stairs. I went and hid down a few stairs which led to nowhere, at which point I was whispering to emergency services into a paper cup, and I was chewing a plastic knife. Then some woman I don't know appeared, and she was growing and mutating and probably wanted to kill me, so I ran and shut a door behind me. I went into my parents' bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror and saw how much I was shaking. Then I went back and shut a second door and planned my escape, and then I woke up.

28 Aug 2010, 17:13
I had a dream my cats were being friends :)

No, seriously, that's all I've got lately. The cats were getting along better than usual.

...Bloopy, though, man alive. Your subconscious needs to see a shrink.

28 Aug 2010, 17:27
well I can't come near competing with bloopy, but I did have a bit of a disconcerting moment a few days ago. I was having a rather average dream, nothing remarkable about it, I honestly don't even remember what it was about. I DO remember I was talking to a woman I thought of as my mom but who wasn't actually my mother. we were talking back and forth and then out of nowhere she looks right at me and, in a tone completely separate from any other part of the dream, says "good luck with the baptism" immediately before my alarm clock rings and I wake up.

not the sort of thing you want to wake up to. I spent the rest of the morning paranoid that something terrible was going to happen :p

31 Aug 2010, 15:44
"good luck with the baptism"
Well, that either means that you haven't been baptised yet, or that you are a priest, about to perform a baptism on someone else.

Either way, you might want to wear a life jacket if the baptism is in a river or lake.
Otherwise, a dry towel should be enough.

31 Aug 2010, 17:23
Well, that either means that you haven't been baptised yet, or that you are a priest, about to perform a baptism on someone else.

Either way, you might want to wear a life jacket if the baptism is in a river or lake.
Otherwise, a dry towel should be enough.lol, I was more concerned with the alternate meanings of the term, rather than the standard religious definitions.

1 Sep 2010, 11:34
lol, I was more concerned with the alternate meanings of the term, rather than the standard religious definitions.
You're a vampire then and fear that the water may be too holy for you.

Everyone load up your guns with silver bullets! :eek:

1 Sep 2010, 16:23
You're a vampire then and fear that the water may be too holy for you.

Everyone load up your guns with silver bullets! :eek:BLAST! I'VE BEEN FOUND OUT! blah! blaah!

5 Dec 2010, 22:40
I had a nifty dream the other week. I went to the moon, or at least a moon. This moon had rivers on it, and they had colourful bits in them, like that cereal with the marshmallow pieces. I was pinpointing locations of flags of other countries who had been there before. The next part of my mission was to test the rivers for life. To do this I had to get out of my spacesuit and lie down in the cold river, so the moon DNA would have a chance to combine with my own, and I could be tested for it when I got back to Earth. As you might imagine, things got a bit surreal and freaky at that point. I don't really remember, but I'm sure there was something in there.

6 Dec 2010, 09:42
As you might imagine, things got a bit surreal and freaky at that point. I don't really remember, but I'm sure there was something in there.
That's because the aliens didn't want you to remember all the anal probing they were doing.
Yes, you were being tested.

8 Dec 2010, 05:18
There was a surprising spike in the occurrence of boobs in my dreams for a little bit there, but it fell back off pretty quickly.


26 Mar 2011, 00:33
I dreamed I was in a shopping mall for a music festival, and a band I'm actually seeing in a couple of months (Alestorm) was playing inside a large tent over a grassed area inside the mall. There was another band playing outside and facing the tent. Then Alestorm went off stage and a woman with bright red hair came on, and my subconscious told me she was a member of Radiohead.

In another dream, I dreamed a friend contacted me to say they'd lost a cassette tape they ordered off the coast of Mexico, and I was running through streets in the USA to get to the Mexican border. At some point I teamed up with my friend's dog, and we went to a music store. I got the dog to sniff a vinyl version of the album, and then the dog was able to find the cassette in the store. But then the store overcharged me for it.

5 Jul 2011, 00:13
This morning I dreamed I had a first-person view of a teenage murderer escaping from an Australian prison. He escaped by swimming, then by rail with some kind of handcar, and then by walking. Then I found I was staying in the town he was escaping to. I had immigration papers with ketchup on them in a microwave, and I was trying to scrub the ketchup off with a dish brush.

5 Jul 2011, 08:08
by rail with some kind of handcar
Can you narrow that down?
Maybe we can still catch him.

5 Jul 2011, 09:40
He left it behind on the rails when he started walking, and I assume it got smashed up by the next train that came along, possibly causing a derailment or even death. It was a long seat like a couch with a sort of semicircular back, that travelled sideways.

17 Jul 2011, 03:18
Today I dreamed I was at a party when the police turned up and rounded a bunch of us up. Instead of arresting us, they gave us a problem-solving challenge to complete. The goal was to use a snowmobile to fling snow onto somebody's roof. There were little mine carts, and we filled two of them up with some kind of bugs and towed them up to the snowmobile. This was to entice out the frogs which had infested the snowmobile for some reason. We pried the build-up of snow off the snowmobile and found it was overdue for vehicle inspection. Then we started filling up three mine carts with what I thought was going to be snow, but turned out to be honeycomb/sponge toffee flavoured ice cream. I looked away for a moment and most of it was gone, so we had to do more filling and watch it more closely this time. We towed it up to the snowmobile, and I woke up with the knowledge that someone's house was going to get pelted with ice cream.

17 Jul 2011, 04:09
Today I dreamed I was at a party when the police turned up and rounded a bunch of us up. Instead of arresting us, they gave us a problem-solving challenge to complete. The goal was to use a snowmobile to fling snow onto somebody's roof. There were little mine carts, and we filled two of them up with some kind of bugs and towed them up to the snowmobile. This was to entice out the frogs which had infested the snowmobile for some reason. We pried the build-up of snow off the snowmobile and found it was overdue for vehicle inspection. Then we started filling up three mine carts with what I thought was going to be snow, but turned out to be honeycomb/sponge toffee flavoured ice cream. I looked away for a moment and most of it was gone, so we had to do more filling and watch it more closely this time. We towed it up to the snowmobile, and I woke up with the knowledge that someone's house was going to get pelted with ice cream.that is a great dream!

and here the best I have to offer is a dream of my house being bombarded by moving-van-mounted bowling ball cannons, and a small child who's face was allergic to being set on fire.

17 Jul 2011, 06:07
The most interesting dream I've had is one where I was trying to locate a blu-ray copy of Scott Pilgrim vs the World. After visiting several shops, I ended up discovering some information about a secret place that had it in stock. However, all I had was a picture of this locale, and no other information about it. After searching around the city, I finally found the place(which was located on a street that looked exactly like the street I live in), and there was a person outside apparently waiting for me. He opened the door and invited me in, and inside I could see a single copy of the movie on top of a table. However, right before I walked in I had this really insane ominous feeling, turned around immediately, and saw on a reflection in a window across the street that the guy inviting me in was a demon. On that instant a bunch of demons appeared surrounding me, and I woke up, a good half an hour before my my alarm went off.

17 Jul 2011, 13:35
The most interesting dream I've had is one where I was trying to locate a blu-ray copy of Scott Pilgrim vs the World. After visiting several shops, I ended up discovering some information about a secret place that had it in stock. However, all I had was a picture of this locale, and no other information about it. After searching around the city, I finally found the place(which was located on a street that looked exactly like the street I live in), and there was a person outside apparently waiting for me. He opened the door and invited me in, and inside I could see a single copy of the movie on top of a table. However, right before I walked in I had this really insane ominous feeling, turned around immediately, and saw on a reflection in a window across the street that the guy inviting me in was a demon. On that instant a bunch of demons appeared surrounding me, and I woke up, a good half an hour before my my alarm went off.
Well, did you get the blu-ray, you demon-fearing wuss?

17 Jul 2011, 18:39
Well, did you get the blu-ray, you demon-fearing wuss?
Yeah, I ordered it from amazon. :p

18 Jul 2011, 02:51
that is a great dream!
It was ok, probably doesn't beat most of the ones I've posted. I went to a party on Sat. and saw some bands play, and noise control turned up. When I got home, I played FlatOut 2 for hours, and it has minecart objects on some of the maps. So that's where that dream got its material from. A ute from the game was in the dream too. Dunno about the snowmobile though.

29 Oct 2011, 17:33
I had an amazing dream for once! I was doing all kinds of stuff in space! [spooky reverb] I don't remember the first reason I went up there, actually, just that it was a bit scary and harrowing actually, but then I was searching some subterranean moon cave for signs of life, and apparently only found my cats for some reason, and maybe like a snake of some sort or something, which was also a little scary 'cause it was a little dark. But the awesome part was when I was in this super-futuristic dome-style moon base, and I'm just waltzing around and I can't really make much sense of the sky from my position, until I look up enough to see the actual curviture of the earth, because it was huge and beautiful! Way huger than it actually is from the real moon, like taking up most of my perspective from there, and I had to sit down to look up enough to see everything. I was viewing the night side with all the lights and everything, but some of the one side of it was lit too, and my dream self thought it was the most incredible thing I'd ever seen. I'm pretty sure it's the most incredible thing my subconscious mind has come up with, though, at least in a long time, if not ever.

I also remember placing a phone call to the college to explain I wouldn't be in on Monday because I was offworld.

30 Oct 2011, 23:46
That does sound pretty excellent, especially the last part. I was imagining it very vividly just now.

31 Oct 2011, 08:03
subterranean moon cave
Sublunar. ;)

31 Oct 2011, 16:02
Ahh, indeed.

30 Dec 2011, 04:52
I had a recursive dream. I dreamed I was watching a film directed by a high school friend. The film was a 1st person view of driving somewhere in a city. Mostly turning corners in the same direction and looping around over and under bridges, without driving on the same street twice. Then arriving at the destination, and it was us, arriving at school, a big multi-storey building. We went upstairs to a classroom, and I put my bag at the seat I planned to sit in. I took off my raincoat and discovered that I was wearing another identical raincoat underneath it. The class was going to be a screening of the film my friend directed, beginning in 15 minutes. Apparently I had already seen the 2 previous screenings of the film, so perhaps the dream had 3 levels of recursion. I wouldn't have been surprised if I was wearing a 3rd identical raincoat underneath the 2nd. I hung around outside the classroom, and when there was only a couple of minutes to go, I decided I really needed to go to the toilet. Things were ridiculously filthy, and some of the toilets were missing, with just holes left in the floor. I eventually found one. It was a strange skinny shape. I tried to use it while balancing on one foot, so as to touch as little as possible in the cubicle. Then I woke up, and unlike Ben who would've rolled over and gone back to sleep, I went to use a much cleaner toilet instead. :p

30 Dec 2011, 05:23
I dreamt that I met 19th century Barney Stinson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney_Stinson) in an old hotel. He was a detective. Then there was this hall that linked alternate universes together, and I met a bunch of his alternate versions. In one universe, Barney Stinson was the Batman.

Then a bunch of alternate universe Batmen(?) showed up and started fighting with a bunch of alternate universe Jokers. It was pretty damn bizarre.

17 Jan 2012, 20:07
I was taking the subway to work one morning and it was pretty dark outside. When I look out the window I notice that the train is actually flying about fifty meters above the track. Well, we were in a hurry after. By the time we arrived at the station, because the train was going so fast, it had to do loop de loop in order to slow down and be able to land correctly. 'Wow intense' I thought, 'I got to tell the guys what an insane driver we had today'.

21 Jan 2012, 10:47
I sure like to dream about trains for some reason. Me an my parents were driving home one evening, leaving a big city behind us. After a few minutes the road had turned into train tracks, and the car was now a X2000 train speeding along. We started making our way up a pretty steep hill with forests on both sides, and a huge cliff to the left with the ocean several hundred meters bellow. I notice that another train had appeared at the top of the hill heading straight towards us on the same track. Both trains slam the brakes to avoid collision which made both trains derail. Luckily ours just stayed pretty much right there, the whole front had jumped off and turned a bit sideways. So, we are now stuck in our crashed blue car again, the front all smashed up and no sign of either of the two trains. A newspaper crew showed up from behind a couple of bushes where they had apparently had been waiting for ages for something to happen. They were all wearing red jackets and the guy holding the camera told us to smile for tomorrows front page picture. I make W signs with my hand for some reason, and the camera man yells at me not to make gang signs. Fine I guess. We soon drive off, as the car is perfectly fine again.

1 Feb 2012, 08:11
I sure like to dream about trains for some reason.

I get that :/

I had a large "wtf" moment when I remembered my dream this morning. I had worked out that train wheels stay on the track because of negative feedback and wheels bevelled the opposite way wouldn't because of positive feedback. Like the experiment for kiddies at the NRM in York.

I'm not entirely sure why that occurred to me in a dream.

6 Feb 2012, 18:27
Dreamt last night that I woke up in a rubber-padded cell in an office or school-like environment. No idea how I got there or why I was there. I tapped on the window to see if someone would let me out. THey did not.

6 Feb 2012, 19:58
Dreamt last night that I woke up in a rubber-padded cell in an office or school-like environment. No idea how I got there or why I was there. I tapped on the window to see if someone would let me out. THey did not.that's an ironic dream given your new job.

I had an odd one last night of myself at a wedding. I was walking across pegs that were holding up various pictures strewn along a wall to an epic rendition of KISS's "We're not gunna take it" (a song I have neither particular fondness or dislike for). When I finished my wall-peg-tour, I dismounted to strange looks from my family, and then woke up.

6 Feb 2012, 20:58
Dreamt last night that I woke up in a rubber-padded cell in an office or school-like environment. No idea how I got there or why I was there. I tapped on the window to see if someone would let me out. THey did not.
Room 101http://w

7 Feb 2012, 05:08
... to an epic rendition of KISS's "We're not gunna take it" ...

Isn't that song by Twisted Sister, though?


7 Feb 2012, 13:19
Isn't that song by Twisted Sister, though?

YOUR DREAMS ARE LYING TO YOU :eek:XD even my subconscious doesn't know its 80s bands! They had the KISS make up and everything.