View Full Version : Crash on map editor opening

2 Jul 2007, 15:35
The map editor crashes W:A when I open it.
This bug doesn't occur all the time, and it could happen whereas I haven't changed anything in the W:A directory.
It happens since I've installed the new version
ERRORLOG.txt and CRASH.DMP are attached in the archive.

2 Jul 2007, 23:28
Try running the game with this WormKit module (http://thecybershadow.net/dump/ae8ad44d14f3ec42b0878556c38f2cbc/wkDebugOutput.zip) (install WormKit and put the module DLL in your W:A folder, same folder as WA.exe and WormKit.exe). Run the game with WormKit and try to get it to crash. When it crashes, please compress and post the DebugOutput.log file.

3 Jul 2007, 09:12
DebugOutput.log is attached.

3 Jul 2007, 10:50
Seems like some of your files are corrupted - the game crashes on trying to load Graphics\grafittiEdit.seq\000020.bmp.
Reinstall the game.