View Full Version : WA unofficial FAQ V1.1

5 Jun 2007, 20:26
This is gonna be a multi-post thing. Here goes:

Well, since there's so many questions now, some of which aren't answered on nanacide since they're not technical related. This is going ot be an all purpose FAQ for all aspects of WA, although it will mainly link to other sites/threads (eg nanacide for most technical things). OK, here goes:

Without prior permission and links to this thread, no-one is allowed to reproduce any of the original information in these first three posts in any form on an FAQ page, but they may reproduce the information when helping specific people not on an FAQ site.

So this sort of thing is OK:

I installed WA but when I start the game it crashes, and I tried to install the update but couldn't figure out how!
See this point in Muzer's WA unofficial FAQ:
1.2) I cannot update or patch the game OR I don't know how!
First off, if you have the trymedia (downloaded) version, GET A REFUND INSTANTLY FROM HERE (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=33495)! THEY ARE RIP-OFFS AND CANNOT BE PATCHED! BUY A CD VERSION FROM https://secure.team17.com . Second, if you have already done step 1.1), there is no need to patch or update it. Third, if you haven't even attempted to patch or update it, download and run this (ftp://ftp.team17.com/pub/t17/patches/pc/WA_update- This will patch and update WA automatically. If you have already tried and failed to patch and update it, uninstall WA, install it again, then use this (ftp://ftp.team17.com/pub/t17/patches/pc/WA_update- (Note: For the above two links, your browser will have to support FTP (file transfer protocol) servers. Most except really old ones do, so don't worry.)
Hope that helped :)

But this sort of thing isn't, if no permission is given in advanced by me and only me:

If anyone has a problem with updating WA, see this part of Muzer's WA FAQ:
1.2) I cannot update or patch the game OR I don't know how!
First off, if you have the trymedia (downloaded) version, GET A REFUND INSTANTLY FROM HERE (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=33495)! THEY ARE RIP-OFFS AND CANNOT BE PATCHED! BUY A CD VERSION FROM https://secure.team17.com . Second, if you have already done step 1.1), there is no need to patch or update it. Third, if you haven't even attempted to patch or update it, download and run this (ftp://ftp.team17.com/pub/t17/patches/pc/WA_update- This will patch and update WA automatically. If you have already tried and failed to patch and update it, uninstall WA, install it again, then use this (ftp://ftp.team17.com/pub/t17/patches/pc/WA_update- (Note: For the above two links, your browser will have to support FTP (file transfer protocol) servers. Most except really old ones do, so don't worry.)

Remember, in any case it is of course allowed to link to this thread ;)

End of extortionately long copyright notice :p

If you have an illegal or copied version of WA, most of these will not help you. Go and get a legal CD version from https://secure.team17.com .
If you have a Trymedia or Gametap (downloaded legally for a cost) version of WA, GET A REFUND IMMEDIATELY FROM HERE (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=33495)!! THEY ARE RIP-OFFS AND WA CANNOT BE UPDATED TO WORK ONLINE PROPERLY! Then buy a CD version from https://secure.team17.com

In case you want to know why, almost all WA players have the latest update, version This update includes support for much larger maps of arbitrary sizes, more then 4 teams with 8 worms each and more then 8 mines/barrels in one game, but these features only works with, and most games hosted have come to use them. Trymedia uses (commonly but incorrectly reffered to as its Windows version number, and the Gametap version as far as I have come to understand, as it is no longer sold, uses Neither of these have big map support, more then 4 teams with 8 worms each or more then 8 mines/barrels so you will most likely be booted from most games. The only people you will be able to play with are fellow Trymedia/Gametap users, who are few and far between.


Version History:
(NB that the version history, except for mod edits, is done on a day-by-day basis, that is, all the edits I did in one day are compacted into one version. The numbers are pretty much random up until 1.6, after that a correction in a current point or points warrents a very minor version (0.0.x), a new subsection or a new WA update warrents a minor version (0.x.0), and an entire new section or vast changes in many of the existing sections (like if a new update is out so much of the FAQ has to be changed) might warrent a major version (x.0.0))
1.0.0: unofficial FAQ released
1.0.5 (thomasp's edit): Added bolding of titles; added highlight on illegal notice.
1.1.0: Corrected some punctuation (, instead of . and ; instead of '); added /NOINTRO info, added websites listing other sites; fixed rrkit link, added more customisation sites; added bit about where to download the manual and more extensive manual info; added bit about Shift+Delete being one-time only; added version history; added table of contents; added bit about ranking cheats.
1.1.5: Done shoppa vs shopper
1.2.0: Updated for newest update. Updated the WKB links. Added test and 150. Updated notices above. Added RTFR.
1.3.0: Updated Vista help, replaced dead WA Nexus link (AARGH! Why does Run always just delete things without a trace?) and added dodgy keyboard help, HB info
1.3.5: Added more info on Trymedia; updated Gametap versions, removed broken FB link.
1.4.0: Replaced nanacide with port forward; wrote section on lag; refund info
1.4.5: Adding Intel XP driver message
1.5.0: Updating WormNet lag data, creating the archive
1.6: How to backflip section, new version numbering system
1.7: Added copyright info
1.7.1: Updated Vista information, thanks for the pointer yakuza.

Table of Contents
(Press Ctrl+F and type in the number with bracket to skip to that section)
1) Problems with the game

1.1) I cannot install the game (for whatever reason). Help!
1.2) I cannot update or patch the game OR I don't know how!
1.3) I'm having problems running WA. What can I do?
1.4) I can't get WA to work on vista.
1.5) I can't host! (That is, when I host no-one can join my games)
1.6) I'm having another problem with WA.
1.7) When I rope, sometimes the rope doesn't deattach/attach, even when I definately press SPACE.

2) Playing on WormNet

2.1) What are the basics of WormNet?
2.2) What are the best games for newbs?
2.3) How do you play shoppas?
2.4) How do you play normals?
2.5) I want to play some more advanced schemes. Where can I go to learn how to play these?
2.6) I have seen people with something other than the default (bronze) ranking. How did they get this? How can I get this?
2.7) I have played a game with a fast speed or with ropes that stay attached even after the end of the turn. How do I do this myself?
2.8) Why is WormNet lagging so much recently?

3) On external files

3.1) Where do I get files for worms from?
3.2) Where do I get external programs from?
3.3) I have recieved/downloaded a(n) insert file type here. What do I do with it?
3.4) How do I use The Fiddler? What is it?
3.5) How do I make my own weapons?
3.6) I want to make my own files. What specifications do they have to be?

4) How to play

4.1) How do I play this game? What are the basics?
4.2) How do I rope?
4.3) How do I backflip?

5) Misc points

5.1) What other WA-related sites exist?

6) Archive - for the points that no longer apply (entirely historical)

6.1) Why is WormNet lagging so much recently?

1) Problems with the game
1.1) I cannot install the game (for whatever reason). Help!
Download and run this program (http://madewokherd.nfshost.com/worms/unwain.exe). It will install WA for you, bypassing the CD's installer, and also patch or update it as necessary (NOTE: The creator has now updated it to work with 3.6.28)! (You must have the disk in for this to work ;)) (NOTE: This installer DOES NOT create any registry entries (required for some third party programs) or icons, on the start menu or desktop. If you are a technical man, all registry entries created by WA are listed here (http://worms2d.info/European_release_(Worms_Armageddon)), but the only one that is frequently used is: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\Worms Armageddon]
"PATH"='''APPDIR''' (APPDIR being the place you chose when installing WA) So add this manually if desired.)
1.2) I cannot update or patch the game OR I don't know how!
First off, if you have the trymedia (downloaded) version, GET A REFUND INSTANTLY FROM HERE (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=33495)! THEY ARE RIP-OFFS AND CANNOT BE PATCHED! BUY A CD VERSION FROM https://secure.team17.com . Second, if you have already done step 1.1), there is no need to patch or update it. Third, if you haven't even attempted to patch or update it, download and run this (ftp://ftp.team17.com/pub/t17/patches/pc/WA_update- This will patch and update WA automatically. If you have already tried and failed to patch and update it, uninstall WA, install it again, then use this (ftp://ftp.team17.com/pub/t17/patches/pc/WA_update- (Note: For the above two links, your browser will have to support FTP (file transfer protocol) servers. Most except really old ones do, so don't worry.)

See next post for more

5 Jun 2007, 20:26
1.3) I'm having problems running WA. What can I do?
First off, unless you've already followed step 1.1 or 1.2, try uninstalling the game, installing it again and then downloading and installing this (ftp://ftp.team17.com/pub/t17/patches/pc/WA_update- If that doesn't work, right-click on your most frequently used WA shortcut (eg on the desktop or in the start menu), and click properties. Then, in the target box, OUTSIDE the quotes, type /NOINTRO . So if your WA.EXE target is C:\Team17\Worms Armageddon\WA.EXE, it will look like this: "C:\Team17\Worms Armageddon\WA.EXE" /NOINTRO If that still doesn't work, use the excellent technical problem FAQ at Worms2d.info's FAQ section (http://worms2d.info/Troubleshooting_FAQ). If that still doesn't work, post in this thread and I'll try my best to help you.
1.4) I can't get WA to work on vista.
WA does not officially support vista. However, WA in itself usually works on vista, the fault is usually the vista graphic card drivers. Make sure you follow 1.3 first because your problem may not be vista-specific. After that, try running WA as an admin (right click - run as administrator). Also, use compatability mode for a supported OS. The most important thing, make sure your graphics card's drivers are FULLY UPDATED. For NVIDIA cards, as of the time of writing (ISO date 2007-08-01) the best bet to fix all problems would be to use the latest drivers on their site (www.nvidia.com). Try opening WA's folder whilst playing (i.e. running from WA.EXE instead of a shortcut). Sadly, if you have an Intel Mobile (ie on a laptop) graphics chipset or Graphics Card, due to Intel's drivers not supporting an old technology imperative for WA (namely DirectDraw), you can't run WA. go and pester Intel about it. However, this doesn't work with all people so try at own risk, but some people find that if you install the XP drivers for your card, it will disable Windows Aero (glass) but WA will work. Again, this yeilds nothing but a BSOD with some people. It has been suggested in this post (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showpost.php?p=659091&postcount=119) that Service Pack 1 increases Vista compatibility (even with Intel graphics chipsets), have a look at it if you have one. Also, if you can run the game but it's all in funny colours, first try the above fixes (especially the open the WA explorer window one), then go here (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=32164).
1.5) I can't host! (That is, when I host no-one can join my games)
There are good hosting tutorials at http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm . Select your router from that list, then select Worms Armageddon, and follow the instructions. If that doesn't work, you may have to use Hosting Buddy. It doesn't always work yet, particularly during times of lag, but it is useable. Send a message to him saying "host *schemtype*" where schemetype is replaced with the scheme you want. For a list, send him a message saying "schemes". After you've done this, use the commands on http://worms2d.info/HostingBuddy to fine tune and start the game, remembering that all commands must have a ! and no space before them.
1.6) I'm having another problem with WA.
1.7) When I rope, sometimes the rope doesn't deattach/attach, even when I definately press SPACE.
This is caused by cheap keyboards. See here (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=33321) for a list.

2) Playing on WormNet
2.1) What are the basics of WormNet?
OK, first, make sure you are fully updated (see 1.2), then go to the wormnet menu, In the input box, type in your desired nickname. Click the button in the top right of the screen. Double-click autologin. When the game logs you in, double-click #AnythingGoes (that's the most frequently populated). If a game appears that you know how to play, double-click it to join it.
2.2) What are the best games for newbs?
If you are already OK at roping, try a shopper (commonly but incorrectly refered to as a shoppa, also not to be confused with various cheat codes). If not, look for a Normal, but they are sometimes hard to find, depending on time of day.
2.3) How do you play shoppers?
At the beginning of the game or in the lobby, the host will say either abl or ktl (if not, ask him/her) and either a number or random. The number or random is the amount of time before the mines on the landscape explode (in seconds). Keep this in mind as you will need to know at least the abl or ktl bit for later. Anyway, when it gets to your turn, if you've never done this before, press shift+Delete to get the teams displayed on the bottom of the screen. You only need to do this once in your whole time playing WA, unless something weird happens. Then, get on your ninja rope and rope towards the nearest crate. Collect it. Then, if the host said ktl, go to a worm who is in the team that is in first, If he said abl, go to any worm except those who are in the team that is last. Then, if you can, launch the weapon off the rope (enter) to hit him. If you can't do that (it will beep), drop off your rope and fire it like that. You must only fire it when on the ground if the game does not let you fire it from a rope. You must also always collect a crate before you attack. If you break any of the rules, the other players will probably call you a cow. The best thing to do is politely explain that you're new and it was an accident, then skip your next turn. This is the "punishment" for breaking the rules. If you don't do this, the other players might declare ktc. This stands for kill the cow, and means that everyone has to kill the cheater.
2.4) How do you play normals?
These are normal games of worms. Just do whatever you want. If you don't know how to play worms, read the manual (see 4.1), and practice in single-player hotseat with the PC
2.5) I want to play some more advanced schemes. Where can I go to learn how to play these?
www.nanacide.com/wahelp or http://worms2d.info/Schemes
2.6) I have seen people with something other than the default (bronze) ranking. How did they get this? How can I get this?
These people are cheating. The reason why rankings were removed was because people were hacking them to pretend they were a high ranking. These people are using the same tools as back in the day, and generally considered noobish (such as Lex, who is now called n00b by bonz as a long-running gag). I shall not give a link for these tools because it will gain you 0% more respect than if you stuck with everyone else.
2.7) I have played a game with a fast speed or with ropes that stay attached even after the end of the turn. How do I do this myself?
To do this yourself, first host a game in Wormnet or LAN. Then, type /150 for fast speed, /batty for batty ropes (ropes stay stuck after end of turn), or /ts for teststuff (Like battyropes but with more features; see the readme). Then start the game.
2.8) Why is WormNet lagging so much recently?
This issue has been fixed. If WormNet still lags for you, check your connection quality by pinging google for a few minutes and seeing how many packages are lost.

3) On external files
3.1) Where do I get files for worms from?
www.blamethepixel.com www.wmdb.org (for maps) www.wormolympics.com (schemes) www.clansfx.co.uk (thousands of blank-and-white (.bit) maps) are the main ones. For particular file makers, you should go to their own website, and for specific schemes try searching for them along with Worms or WA or Worms Armageddon.
3.2) Where do I get external programs from?
www.nanacide.com/wahelp has a few. Also try http://worms2d.info . Again, www.blamethepixel.com also has some. If you know the name of a file, search for it.
3.3) I have recieved/downloaded a(n) insert file type here. What do I do with it?
3.4) How do I use The Fiddler? What is it?
3.5) How do I make my own weapons?
See 3.4
3.6) I want to make my own files. What specifications do they have to be?
All the specifications are here (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=28551)

4) How to play
4.1) How do I play this game? What are the basics?
Read the manual. If you've only just bought it, or you have bought it from Sold-Out Software some time in the past, it will be on the disc. If there is anyone who had the original with a hard manual and has lost it, here is a link to the PDF manual (http://images.trygames.com/manuals/Worms_Armageddon.pdf). It would also be a good idea to read the readme that came with the update (in your WA folder) if you didn't read it after installing. It may be a bit long, but it lets you know all the new features of WA and how to use them.
4.2) How do I rope?
www.rrkit.com gives you tutorials. If you don't even know the basics, draw a quick map with two horizontal lines running through it. Then, set up and start a Hot-seat game (top right icon on the main menu) and put one team in with a few worms. When the game starts, place your worms on the lower line. First, you need to select the Ninja Rope. Then, fire it at the celing. Now, hold the direction key(s) in the direction you want to go, making sure you move up a bit before attempting to move. Then, press space to detatch from the ninja rope while you are moving, then press space again to reattach it before you hit the floor. This move is the basic move of roping. When you get good, practice on landscapes with more rough celings and floors. Once you get reasonably skilled, you can start to play your first shopper. Good luck!
4.3) How do I backflip?
I don't know how many times people have said this! Read the flippin' manual (see 4.1)!

See next post for more!

5 Jun 2007, 20:30
5) Misc points
5.1) What other WA-related sites exist?
More websites can be found here (http://worms2d.info/Community)

6) Archive - for the points that no longer apply (entirely historical)
6.1) Why is WormNet lagging so much recently?
During peak times, Wormnet 1 (WA's Wormnet) often lags. It is often very specific about how many players make it lag; you can have below 50 with no problems but above 50 and it's hell on earth, as reported by some people. Others get the lag as early as at 35+ people. Here are some symptons of the lag, reported by users in this thread (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=35583) (you may not experience all of these, as it varies on the time of day and your location:

Not being able to get onto the select a channel screen
Not being able to get into #AnythingGoes
When you try to host, it times out, you stay in #AG, but your game appears in the game list, and people can't join it (because you're not in it). The same thing happens with HB games.
The chat suddenly stops, then all of a sudden you get loads of join/quit/chat messages, meanwhile you can't scroll.
The game list doesn't update properly, and clicking refresh makes a visual freeze
After finishing a game, the channels don't list
It takes a while to host

The cause of this lag is currently unknown, but it is being worked on. It is generally suspected to be caused by ProSnooper or HostingBuddy, and there will be tests carried out such as banning prosnooper and hostingbuddy for a day (seperately). There have been times in the past with 100+ people on WormNet with no problem, so it's not a case of too many people.

I can't think of anything else to put in it. Anyone got any suggestions?

5 Jun 2007, 20:33
This thread is now the discussion/suggestion thread as well for the FAQ - probably easier than jumping around between two threads... Plus, Muzer can still edit this if it's open.

Please keep discussion on topic.

5 Jun 2007, 23:07
I suggest changing the warning at the start to "If you have an illegal, copied, or trygames version of WA, most of these will not help you. Go and get a legal CD version from https://secure.team17.com ."

11 Jun 2007, 18:34
If nobody has any suggestions, I cannot improve it. Any more ideas?

12 Jun 2007, 01:06
In big red letters somewhere:


12 Jun 2007, 01:07
I suggest changing the warning at the start to "If you have an illegal, copied, or trygames version of WA, most of these will not help you. Go and get a legal CD version from https://secure.team17.com ."

heres a suggestion :rolleyes:

12 Jun 2007, 08:03
Change "2.3) How do you play shoppas?" to "2.3) How do you play shoppers?"

12 Jun 2007, 12:08
Change "2.3) How do you play shoppas?" to "2.3) How do you play shoppers?"
Don't change it!
The correct term is shoppa with an A.
Has been that way since Worms DC, an you do believe in Andy D., don't you? :-/

12 Jun 2007, 12:22
Don't change it!
The correct term is shoppa with an A.
Has been that way since Worms DC, an you do believe in Andy D., don't you? :-/

This thread is only relevant to WA. The WA scheme described in the FAQ is called Shopper. Shoppa is just a more gangsta way of saying shopper, it doesn't have any meaning by itself. And if you disagree with this then it's easier for me to prove my point: Original scheme -> Shopping.wsc, the Shopper is, by definition, Shopping But yeah, that scheme has nothing to do with the scheme the FAQ talks about.

Either way the more correct form is Shopper.

12 Jun 2007, 15:26
If I may enter my opinion, I would wager that no one really gives a damn how it's spelled

12 Jun 2007, 18:16
You are wrong.
The cheat code in Worms DC to trigger a crate shower was called "supa shoppa", and as we all know, WDC was the last game that Andy D. really worked on.

I rather believe in the writings of the Worm God.

12 Jun 2007, 19:04
I suggest you read my post again, specially the part were I say relevant, WA and scheme.

Specially before making inaccurate statements. Cheat codes mean very little, in fact, I'd go as far as to say that supa shopa is a synonym of super shopper only used for the cheat not to be so obvious.

12 Jun 2007, 20:52
How about just writing "How to play shoppers\shoppas"

13 Jun 2007, 00:12
i would call it shoppers because it would be easier for non native english speakers to remember imho.

13 Jun 2007, 00:22
If I were really so concerned about this, I would go on Wormnet, and count the amount of times a Shoppa/er scheme was called Shoppa or Shopper, then decide that the one used more often is the current name.

13 Jun 2007, 00:28
If I were really so concerned about this, I would go on Wormnet, and count the amount of times a Shoppa/er scheme was called Shoppa or Shopper, then decide that the one used more often is the current name.

Does that mean "u" is the current form of "you"?

13 Jun 2007, 01:43
I hate adding to this because the topic is now very off topic. But since I seem to have started it by suggesting it, I feel I should explain why the change should be made.

Simply put, the scheme was originally refered to as "shopper" or "rope shopper". This is how players refered to it for many years. However, as more and more time passed, more and more players (newbs originally) began calling it "shoppa".

Of course, modern newbs do not know much about the history of this game. So when they see someone calling the scheme "shoppa", they think to themselves that this must be the proper name for the scheme. That or else they prefer it over the correct term, "shopper". This chain reaction is why the majority of players now incorrectly refer to the scheme as "shoppa". It doesn't help the situation when semi-professional looking documents, such as this one, also refer to it incorrectly.

bonz: You know as well as I do that "supa shoppa" was the name Andy D. gave to a utility in the game. He was not naming the "shopper" scheme we are fimiliar with today. Such a scheme did not exist until the 2nd generation games of which he was little part of.

Not that any of this is a big deal. I admit that for some strange reason I do get mildly irritated when I see someone say "shoppa" instead of "shopper", just like I get mildly irritated when people type like they are missing 3 fingers or use words like "***ed". But I will live, as will you. Now back onto topic...

13 Jun 2007, 10:29
why does anyone care

why are you all making posts about this

13 Jun 2007, 12:53
t increase our noob meters?

13 Jun 2007, 17:36
K, there. HAPPY?

13 Jun 2007, 17:44
After "commonly but incorrectly refered to as a shoppa" you could add "also not to be confused with a Worms Director's Cut cheat code". ;)

13 Jun 2007, 19:03
As IIRC there's a W2 one as well, I'll put various cheat codes.

Alien King
13 Jun 2007, 22:58
Simply put, the scheme was originally refered to as "shopper" or "rope shopper". This is how players refered to it for many years. However, as more and more time passed, more and more players (newbs originally) began calling it "shoppa".

I doubt it was originally newbs who made the abbreviation. More likely, it was a great number of people being lazy and the result of common internet shorthand that is used widely in all games.

In anycase, it is a small, completely trivial matter and one that can be safely ignored with no consequences.

14 Jun 2007, 01:24
In this case, it's not a shortened word for *easier* use on the internet. I'm pretty certain its american/english slang used for many words that end in -er.

14 Jun 2007, 16:38
Stupid slang is all it is, trying to be "gangsta".

14 Jun 2007, 17:48
Does that make Andy D. "gangsta" then?

15 Jun 2007, 11:09
Point 1.1, it may be worth adding that the installer only works when you have a Worms CD, the current wording may lead people to believe they can just download that file and install the game without a disc.

18 Jul 2007, 03:26
Just for information, the link for section 3.4 about the Fiddler is dead.

18 Jul 2007, 17:04
That's Run's fault.

22 Aug 2007, 02:09
I just bought a copy of Worms Armageddon from 'SoldOut' and when I start a game i've set up, the screen just stays black. I read through some support things and figured out my game version is v3.0.
I am trying to play it on Windows XP I believe it may be Home Edition but not sure. I did not install the directx 6.0 as I have like DirectX9.0c or something like that. I would really not like to 'downgrade' my system, as I have many top of the line games, Particularly, the massive "The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion"

22 Aug 2007, 05:54
direct x since like v5.0 wont over write newer versions of files, and also, you need to install the latest beta update from http://wa.team17.com

22 Aug 2007, 16:12
TheDud, you also need to install the latest update.
[Download] (ftp://ftp.team17.com/pub/t17/patches/pc/WA_update-

Edit: Oh, I missed Franpa's post. My bad.

23 Aug 2007, 06:10
Plasma's link is better.

18 Sep 2007, 11:58
Ive installed Worms Armageddon and its update - its works like a dream - one problem - How do I get hold of the Superweapons like Aqua sheep, donkey, Ming vase, Nuclear fallout etc. They dont seem to be anywhere on the menus. Are you supposed to earn them or sumit?

18 Sep 2007, 15:35
You sure do. Complete all missions (any medal), all dethmatch challenges, and get a gold in all training, and you can edit the ammo and delay for the superweapons (and the collectable utilities).

Or just use SchemeEddy (http://http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=31553), which is probably easier (but less fun).

19 Sep 2007, 13:11
schemeddy just edits scheme files and not our team file thus it is pointless for what you want. you should get TeamEd from www.BlameThePixel.com

19 Sep 2007, 13:35
Is it possible to put a sticky somewhere with maximum & minimum map dimensions somewhere on the forum ?

I can never remember the full height & width of maps either to make or tell others who have asked me.

Also just a thought, if you increase the map size can you still add a solid border ?? i've never seen or made one to try it.

19 Sep 2007, 15:25

add it to your bookmarks/favourites, dude.

19 Sep 2007, 17:39
There is also a sticky ("recieved custom files but don't know what to do with them? Come Here!"), made by me.

19 Sep 2007, 18:15
Cheers for that :D

20 Sep 2007, 01:15
where Muzer? its sticky status was removed a while ago.

20 Sep 2007, 03:17
The second post in this thread links to that ex-sticky.

3 Feb 2008, 16:08
Updated, see the first post. I had to move some stuff into post two, as well, so it may look a bit more messy but I don't think it's a problem.

4 Feb 2008, 03:08
If you have a trymedia (downloaded legally for a cost) version of WA, GET A REFUND IMMEDIATELY!! THEY ARE RIP-OFFS AND WA CANNOT BE UPDATED TO WORK ONLINE PROPERLY! Then buy a CD version from https://secure.team17.com

How is it not working properly? did Deadcode prevent online play from working properly in this version? Elaborate please on what you mean when you say the Trymedia version does not function online properly.

So far there is not a place on this sub-forum about why Trymedia isn't recommended. Sure there is http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=33495 but it doesn't talk about why Trymedia is bad either.

I'm aware there are many posts on this forum about Trymedia and why it is bad, but hardly any new comer would use the search function to find out why it is bad nor would a new comer even know that the trymedia version isn't recommended until there first post mentioning they are using it.

4 Feb 2008, 09:28
How is it not working properly? did Deadcode prevent online play from working properly in this version? Elaborate please on what you mean when you say the Trymedia version does not function online properly.

Are those actual questions you don't know the answer to or are you just suggesting he needs to reword it? If the latter then you could be less hostile about it

"oh yeah btw you should explain why trymedia is a bad choice"

rather than

"your faq is unsatisfactory, here's a facetious question to explain why in a roundabout way, elaborate, beep boop bop i am a verbose robot"

4 Feb 2008, 10:24
@ franpa. The problem with Trymedia is that the exe file is and cannot be updated, otherwise it asks you for a CD. I imagine the reason for this is because the updates are betas, and Trymedia will only accept stable versions. You can go online with the Trymedia version, but nobody will play you because of your old version, effectively rendering online play obsolete anyway, seeing as you won't get to play a game.

Just for the record if I'm playing a normal game and someone has an old version I'll usually let them play, though half of the current players leave and you can't add in more than 16 worms or have more than 8 objects or open the weapon panel when it's not your turn or pin the chat log etc. etc. etc.

4 Feb 2008, 12:36
I imagine the reason for this is because the updates are betas, and Trymedia will only accept stable versions.
It's ironic though, as the betas are actually more stable than v3.0.5.0.

Perhaps someone from Team17 would need to officially tell someone at Trygames to use the new beta updates.

Perhaps Deadcode or CyberShadow could reverse engineer the stand-alone v3.0.5.0 Trygames patch and include the new beta update. :)

4 Feb 2008, 17:35
Added info on why Trymedia is bad, had to move one more point down into the second post. There franpa, happy?

I also found out that WA is no longer on Gametap.

4 Feb 2008, 18:02
Just a tiny point to make.

First Blood went down a while ago, and as a result, the first link in 5.1) is dead.

4 Feb 2008, 19:13
K .

4 Feb 2008, 23:17
Sorry if I was a bit, hostile. I just wanted to get what I meant across and Run has helped in that.

If you have a Trymedia (downloaded legally for a cost) version of WA, GET A REFUND IMMEDIATELY!! THEY ARE RIP-OFFS AND WA CANNOT BE UPDATED TO THE LATEST VERSION! Then buy a CD version from https://secure.team17.com and update to the latest version.above is some wording changes I think would be more helpful to the people who cared if they had the latest version of the game or not.

1.2a) I cannot update or patch the game OR I don't know how! (CD-ROM)

If you have already done step 1.1, there is no need to patch or update it. Third, if you haven't even attempted to patch or update it, download and run this. This will patch and update WA automatically. If you have already tried and failed to patch and update it, uninstall WA, install it again, then use this. (Note: For the above two links, your browser will have to support FTP (file transfer protocol) servers. Most except really old ones do, so don't worry.)

1.2b) I cannot update or patch the game OR I don't know how! (Trymedia)

If you have purchased the game after xx/xx/xxxx then the game will come updated to the latest version Trymedia thinks is stable (they are too lazy to create a newer patch) ( If you purchased the game prior to xx/xx/xxxx then you will need to go to >site< and download the patch for Trymedia because any newer patches/updates are only for people using the CD-ROM version of the game available at https://secure.team17.com

If you want to refund your Trymedia purchase of Worms Armageddon then visit http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=33495 (this form only 100% working for Trymedia Worms Armageddon users)and the above is a new section dedicated to Trymedia.

I am just after making it clearer to the masses that Trymedia do not provide the latest version because it seems most people are trying hard to make it appear as tho they do not offer a fully functioning game when in fact they are.

5 Feb 2008, 17:13
But they don't because you can't play online. And notice the magic word, properly. They are still rip-offs anyway. I'm not going to provide any trymedia help because that could encourage people that it's used and maintained, when in fact it's completely the opposite.

5 Feb 2008, 21:39
On that note, trymedia get more bashing than they deserve. Their game is complete, you can play online against other people without the betas. The betas were developed later and since they're incompatible with the original trymedia Worms version I don't see what trymedia can do about it, it's not like they can edit the game so you can update their product, what do you want them to do? hand image files to people? if anything, the updates should be trymedia compatible.

5 Feb 2008, 23:08
We can't make the updates TryMedia-compatible. W:A without the updates is worse than WWP, and taking into consideration how much has been improved with the Beta versions, the game's value is much lower.

6 Feb 2008, 04:33
But they don't because you can't play online.
Um, the problem is people with newer versions boot you from there games... that is not a bug or feature... im talking about

Since when does pointing out that trymedia DON'T update the game make it look like they update the game?

my knowledge on trymedia is somewhat limited. so i could (and probably am) wrong with the above. the more information provided on trymedia tho would make it more obvious that trymedia sucks.

6 Feb 2008, 09:41
just make this tiny change and i'll be happy enough to drop the subject.

In case you want to know why, almost all WA players have the latest update, version This update includes support for much larger maps of arbitrary sizes, but it only works with, and most games hosted have come to use them. Trymedia uses (commonly but incorrectly reffered to as its Windows version number, and the Gametap version as far as I have come to understand, as it is no longer sold, uses Neither of these have big map support, more then 4 teams with 8 worms each and more then 8 mines/barrals so you will most likely be booted from most games. The only people you will be able to play with are fellow Trymedia/Gametap users, who are few and far between.

6 Feb 2008, 19:22
So now you've dropped it, and you're telling me to make it seem like trymedia sucks more? Odd, nothing like you at all, but that's not a bad thing. Unless... But I'll do it anyway.

7 Feb 2008, 05:25
i gave up and switched to asking you to list the more common reasons to boot older version players from games... i doubt there are many popular large maps (excluding RR).

22 Feb 2008, 21:00
1.5) I can't host!

There are good hosting tutorials at www.nancide.com/wahelp.

Typo error! Should be www.nanacide.com/wahelp.

22 Feb 2008, 21:02
Thanks :)

EDIT: Oh bugger, I've lost the shopper section. Does anyone have it in their cache?

23 Feb 2008, 08:39
Sorry for the double post, but is there any way to revert edits (I'm looking at the mods here)?

23 Feb 2008, 09:15
if you clicked "back" after realizing it you would still have it...

23 Feb 2008, 09:31
I use the quick edit

23 Feb 2008, 10:19
Sorry for the double post, but is there any way to revert edits (I'm looking at the mods here)?
Nope, sorry.

23 Feb 2008, 10:42
point 2.3 or....? i got point 2.3 if thats it.

23 Feb 2008, 10:43
Yeah! Thanks very much! Could you post it? The how to play a shoppa one.

EDIT: What the hell? It's magically appeared again now! Oh well.

23 Feb 2008, 10:48
yea, lol thats why i had it... i thought it was just in my internet cache but since you can see it now too, i guess someone did a good deed?

23 Feb 2008, 10:53
Maybe my cache was playing up, I think that's what was wrong, as it still said edited by Muzer, unless I'm actually Schitzophrenic (sp?) and I don't know it :p

29 Feb 2008, 08:40
Sadly, if you have an Intel chipset or Graphics Card, due to Intel's drivers not supporting an old technology imperative for WA (namely DirectDraw), you can't run WA.

dunno if anybody's written about it before, but...

yesterday I downloaded and installed THIS (http://cdgenp01.csd.toshiba.com/content/support/downloads/driver_display_intel_25684A.exe) driver for my "Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family" :)

Aero Glass doesn't work any more (now I only have Vista Basic theme) but finally I CAN run WA on my Vista! :D :D :D

5 Mar 2008, 23:10
Actually I'm pretty sure mine at school has an Intel chipset, and that works fine.

5 Mar 2008, 23:22
That'd be the graphics chipset, not the processor.

10 Mar 2008, 16:19
Is there any way to play Worms Armageddon on Windows XP Without buying the disk?

And no, i dont want to have to get an illegal copy.

10 Mar 2008, 16:36
You could get the TryMedia version and update it to the 3.5 Beta (the patch is here (http://fe.trymedia.com/d/team17/20m_d_p3050b/WA_P3050_Beta2.exe)). Keep in mind that your online experience might be less than pleasant, as the majority of players will not play with someone whose game doesn't support the latest features offered by the newer Beta updates.

10 Mar 2008, 16:37
With that said, the TryMedia version is a terrible monstrosity, a boon on humankind.

10 Mar 2008, 16:40
And about 4 times more expensive than a CD version.

If you want to get the most out of WA, you've really got no choice but to get the CD version. However, once you get it, you could always make a virtual image of it and mount it on a virtual drive. I've done that, and I haven't needed to so much as look at the CD for the past year.

10 Mar 2008, 16:45
That's what I do for my laptop. You can create an image using InfraRecorder, and mount a virtual drive using DaemonTools.

10 Mar 2008, 21:31
I tried using the free trial of the trymedia version, but it has the same problem even after i get the patch.

10 Mar 2008, 21:33
Well, yeah - the TryMedia version can't be patched. The only way to solve the "problem" is to buy the physical CD, make an ISO of it using, say, InfraRecorder, then mounting it to a virtual drive using something like DaemonTools.

10 Mar 2008, 23:18
Well, yeah - the TryMedia version can't be patched.
You could get the TryMedia version and update it to the 3.5 Beta (the patch is here (http://fe.trymedia.com/d/team17/20m_d_p3050b/WA_P3050_Beta2.exe)). . .

10 Mar 2008, 23:24
To a more recent beta, I mean.

11 Mar 2008, 19:28
I think the Trymedia version comes pre-patched to v3.5 if you order it now.
AFAIK, that patch is only for those who have downloaded the game prior to the release of the v3.5 patch and haven't re-downloaded it.

14 Mar 2008, 14:55
both your guide and the below link fail to mention the issue where the game crashes upon starting it (double clicking wa.exe) because you have no sound card installed.

http://worms2d.info/Troubleshooting_FAQ#I_get_a_black_screen_when_I_tr y_to_run_WA.2C_then_it_crashes_to_desktop_or_I_hav e_to_restart_the_computer

14 Mar 2008, 16:16
But a sound card is part of the system requirements. That's like saying: your guide doesn't mention the bug where the game crashes when you try to run it with 2MB RAM

15 Mar 2008, 01:44

based on here, the sound card is NOT a part of the minimum requirements. it is recommended tho.

17 Mar 2008, 15:44
How the hell do i backflip?

17 Mar 2008, 16:16
How the hell do i backflip?
Double tap backspace really quickly.

This page is advised reading : http://worms2d.info/In-game_controls

4 Apr 2008, 11:28
OK, I've now added an extortionately long copyright notice™, which has pushed the FAQ into the ever mysterious post #3! There was much rejoicing. Anyway, there is now very little content in post #1, so I should really move a few things such as the version history and the extortionately long copyright notice™ to the end. What do you think?

4 Apr 2008, 12:00
Copyright notice? Are you kidding me? I now have to get your permission to help people?

I mean if somebody asks where they can get maps and I link them to www.wmdb.org, I'll get sued for copyright infringement because that was mentioned in your FAQ?

You're 3 days late for April Fools.

4 Apr 2008, 12:11
Read the notice. You can help other people with referenced quotes, but if it's on a site where you post help to people in general, like on an FAQ site, you can't. Most FAQs are copyrighted. And linking to www.wmdb.org isn't infringement as it's not exactly copyrightable material, one link. It's just directly copying something for your own FAQ site. I was giving examples to clarify.

11 Apr 2008, 03:57
Having trouble on Windows XP. Installation goes flawlessly with the self-installer provided in the sticky. When the game is started up, there is a WORMS ARMAGEDDON HAS PERFORMED A FATAL ERROR. and it automatically closes. Have also tried the /nointro thing and downloaded the latest Direct X, not using Nvidia graphics either.

12 Apr 2008, 13:52
What graphics card are you using?

Does it generate an ERRORLOG.TXT file (located in your WA folder that you chose in the installation)? If so, post it so the devs can check it out.

12 Apr 2008, 14:36
if it doesnt generate such file then update your game to ! or post every single detail about the error message (click more info then copy+paste it here)

13 Apr 2008, 02:48
He said he used the alternative installer which does install the update.

4 May 2008, 23:16
I've got the same probelm. I install the game, and the three patches/updates (WA_Update-, WA_Update- and WA_update-, but when I try to run the game an error occurs, saying: Worms Armageddon has encountered an error. Detailed information about the error is on errorlog.txt

Attached is the rather longish errorlog.

I hope you can help, thanks for any efforts in advance :)

5 May 2008, 11:39
Installing all three updates is unnecessary. Just will do. And when does the crash happen? Does it happen when you try to run the program, when you try to start a game, or after a game? If the last case is true, I may be able to advise you.

5 May 2008, 12:58
I've got the same probelm. I install the game, and the three patches/updates (WA_Update-, WA_Update- and WA_update-, but when I try to run the game an error occurs, saying: Worms Armageddon has encountered an error. Detailed information about the error is on errorlog.txt

Attached is the rather longish errorlog.

I hope you can help, thanks for any efforts in advance :)

Why are you installing older beta versions and not just the latest? o_O

5 May 2008, 16:34
What operating system are you trying to run W:A under?

Does work?

6 May 2008, 20:18
Thank you for your replies.

The error occurs before I manage to enter the program: to put it simply, I start Worms Armageddon from Win XP, the screen goes black and the error is shown, I click "ok" and the whole thing crashes back to desktop.

I installed all three updates because I read somewhere this was a wise thing to do for some reason. I tried uninstalling and running the game after installing just the first update, then just the second and then just the third, as well as combinations of first and second (just because I thought it might help, as crazy as though it might sound:D). So to answer your question, CyberShadow, the update you mention does not work.

An important fact I forgot to mention is that I was able to run the game successfully for several weeks before the error suddenly occurred.
I tried using system restore several times but it did not help.

7 May 2008, 05:38
Check if Windows Update installed any new drivers, particularly the video card driver.

You could also try getting the very latest driver from the manufacturer's web site (the drivers on Windows Update are often not the latest version).

8 May 2008, 15:49
I had a problem a little bit like it. My advice is to download the latest patch, then the latest update ( Hope this helps. :cool:

8 May 2008, 18:49
Random text so the caps filter won't activate.



8 May 2008, 22:00
Random text so the caps filter won't activate.


Muzer - try highlighting it as well :p

8 May 2008, 22:01
Thank you for your help and advice, but the problem just went away on its own. The stupidity of Windows knows no bounds, i guess.:p


3 Jun 2008, 09:35
I found another process that steals the colour palette from W:A under Windows XP. It comes with nero 8 and is run at startup and remains running in the background, I have no idea what it does, but disabling it does not prevent me from burning CD's and DVD's. the file in question is below.

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero\Lib\NMIndexStoreSvr.exe

3 Jun 2008, 11:14
If you google for that file name, you'll find many other interesting stories about it.

Ahead Software never was a good software developer in my book...

3 Jun 2008, 14:43
Where is it stored in the registry under Windows XP? I've looked under both trees at...

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run

3 Jun 2008, 15:07
I don't know. It might be started by a shell extension or something. You could try renaming/deleting the file and seeing if that breaks anything.

You could check with "msconfig" (standard Windows utility) and HijackThis (more comprehensive 3rd-party one).

3 Jun 2008, 15:32
Where is it stored in the registry under Windows XP? I've looked under both trees at...

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run

I recommend AutoRuns (http://technet.microsoft.com/pl-pl/sysinternals/bb963902(en-us).aspx).

4 Jun 2008, 01:14
It is not listed at all by AutoRuns and is not present in the registry location the msconfig says.

Either it is hidden o_O. (wouldnt put it past microsoft to have the feature to hide registry keys completely.) or I don't know o_O also I found the other spot I was thinking of before for startup programs/viruses/hijacks/malware. (it is not present here either)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

I already disabled it via msconfig and no error messages pop up or anything during bootup or the use of nero.

4 Jun 2008, 08:39
Why don't you uninstall Nero and use something more lightweight instead? For instance ImgBurn (http://www.imgburn.com/) or InfraRecorder (http://infrarecorder.sourceforge.net/).

4 Jun 2008, 10:41
Do both of thoughs support compilations? or only copying a disc as is?

4 Jun 2008, 11:32
Do both of thoughs support compilations? or only copying a disc as is?

Yes, they do. In ImgBurn it is called Build Mode (see screenshots (http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=screenshots)). And in InfraRecorder it is very much like in Nero (screenshot (http://infrarecorder.sourceforge.net/images/screenshot_main.png)).

They have much more features than creating compilations and copying discs. You can read about them on the pages I linked in my previous post.

Oh, and they both have great advantage, which Nero doesn't. They're free :)

BTW. I use ImgBurn. I was using Nero 7 before, but I needed full Unicode support which at the moment was absent in Nero.

27 Jun 2008, 15:46
I would like to thank the Author of this Post for the time he has taken to help others "like me" with getting the game to work, the information posted was all i needed to get my Vista 64 able to play WA.
After a 5 year abscense from the game i'm ready to take my role as T17 champion again and i will be helping a few friends return to the game also.

Thanks again


27 Jun 2008, 16:40
take my role as T17 champion again and i will be helping a few friends return to the game also.
Good to hear!
Make sure you come by here: http://worms2d.info/Worms_on_GameSurge

We need some T17 games after months of non-stop Hysteria playing.

27 Jun 2008, 23:45
After a 5 year abscense from the game i'm ready to take my role as T17 champion

oh no you don't

i'm afraid that title belongs to me ;)

29 Jun 2008, 18:11
Oh my, a Bible Basher. :eek:

Get them all playing again and into the IRC channel Bonz linked to please, AL. Thank you.

7 Jul 2008, 03:17
1.4) I can't get WA to work on vista.
WA does not officially support vista. However, WA in itself usually works on vista, the fault is usually the vista graphic card drivers. Make sure you follow 1.3 first because your problem may not be vista-specific. After that, try running WA as an admin (right click - run as administrator). Also, use compatability mode for a supported OS. The most important thing, make sure your graphics card's drivers are FULLY UPDATED. For NVIDIA cards, as of the time of writing (ISO date 2007-08-01) the best bet to fix all problems would be to use the latest drivers on their site. Try opening WA's folder whilst playing (i.e. running from WA.EXE instead of a shortcut). Sadly, if you have an Intel chipset or Graphics Card, due to Intel's drivers not supporting an old technology imperative for WA (namely DirectDraw), you can't run WA. go pester Intel about it. However, this doesn't work with all people so try at own risk, but some people find that if you install the XP drivers for your card, it will disable Windows Aero (glass) but WA will work. Again, this yeilds nothing but a BSOD with some people. Also, if you can run the game but it's all in funny colours, first try the above fixes, then go here.

This is what has worked for me on Vista 32bit Intel Chipset SP0 and Vista 64bit Intel Express Chip (from this year, so relatively new) SP1.

Install. Apply latest patch. Right click shortcut. Disable desktop composition (translated from Spanish, might have a different name), it's below the disable visual themes.
That's all you change, don't need XP compatibility, in fact, that stops my WA from working.
Then accept. Right click shortcut, run as Admin.
Menus will be slow. Rest runs normally except you can only minimize once you're actually in a game (with your worms).
Tested on two different Desktops. Gigabyte Motherboards. Inter Express Chipsets. Both Nvidia cards (7900gt and 9800gtx*).

I suspect SP1 fixes most issues, might want to add this stuff into the FAQ.

*If it works with this card, I don't see how it can't with others since this one has pretty crap compatibility with older games.

Edit: if you launch the game and it shows with messed up colors most of the time, there's a workaround. Open any random Vista folder, leave it open and then run WA.

Also: WA does work on Intel Chipsets. Both PCs of mine had them. AFAIK it's Intel Mobile Chipsets that don't allow the game to run at all. (Although I did get mine to work on my laptop with that chipset, it seems 99% of the people can't)

5 Aug 2008, 10:22
First post should be updated to reflect that is the latest version

21 Aug 2008, 09:13
Windows Search 4.5 will steal focus/palette during indexing of files.

11 Sep 2008, 21:16
I hate adding to this because the topic is now very off topic. But since I seem to have started it by suggesting it, I feel I should explain why the change should be made.

Simply put, the scheme was originally refered to as "shopper" or "rope shopper". This is how players refered to it for many years. However, as more and more time passed, more and more players (newbs originally) began calling it "shoppa".

maybe keyboards came with no e and r keys :)

22 Oct 2008, 21:47

I've recently installed the WA sold out edition on CD, i've also installed the patch however it doesn't connect to the internet... it displays a message of "Fatal error during gameserver connection".

I've also tried to install the beta update which during the process halts and displays a message of "Inet load plug-in /POPUP".

I'm pretty new to this and have checked the FAQ without finding anything. All help is appreciated :)


23 Oct 2008, 10:21

I've recently installed the WA sold out edition on CD, i've also installed the patch however it doesn't connect to the internet... it displays a message of "Fatal error during gameserver connection".

I've also tried to install the beta update which during the process halts and displays a message of "Inet load plug-in /POPUP".

I'm pretty new to this and have checked the FAQ without finding anything. All help is appreciated :)


Check your firewall or antivirus, it might be blocking access.

23 Oct 2008, 12:55
I changed it and made WA a exception to the firewall, however the same thing happens. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly tho yakuza :)

23 Oct 2008, 13:31
It really does seem to be something blocking the updater from connecting.

29 Nov 2008, 01:05
An update about Vista and mobile intel chipsets.

I've just played a game on my Macbook on Vista Ultimate SP1 (my one has the GMA950 video chipset) and it works, except some minor glitches in the frontend after the game, and minimizing at the frontend is kinda sketchy. But otherwise, everything was fine.

I was using Boot Camp 2.0's drivers (so no, not the ones you get on intel.com tho I have no idea if it makes a difference or not).

29 Nov 2008, 14:02
so no, not the ones you get on intel.com tho I have no idea if it makes a difference or not
It probably does. Hmm, I wonder if those drivers work on the "normal" intel chipsets? If so, we may be onto something.

Oh, and it is the Intel Express chipsets (IIRC) that don't work.

29 Nov 2008, 14:33
It probably does. Hmm, I wonder if those drivers work on the "normal" intel chipsets? If so, we may be onto something.

Oh, and it is the Intel Express chipsets (IIRC) that don't work.
Well my Macbook has the "Intel� 945GM Express" chipset with the "Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family" graphics adapter (aka. GMA950), so... that counts, I guess? :)

29 Nov 2008, 14:44
Well my Macbook has the "Intel� 945GM Express" chipset with the "Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family" graphics adapter (aka. GMA950), so... that counts, I guess? http://forum.team17.co.uk/images/newsmilies/happy.gif
Yeah, that is good news indeed.

10 Dec 2008, 00:12
As the topic title suggests what can we do in such a situation?I mean this game is a two year(and still counting) purchase and it seems that even trygames has stop selling worms armaggedon.So because refund is not an option should I:

-Expect an update patch for those versions protected with Active Mark
-Use other means...
-Buy a new one from your store.

I really wouldn't like the second and third option.But then again...

10 Dec 2008, 06:45
Only TryMedia can make updates for TryMedia's games, due to their proprietary software protection. If they've stopped selling W:A, then I don't think that'll happen.

10 Dec 2008, 08:26
As the topic title suggests what can we do in such a situation?I mean this game is a two year(and still counting) purchase and it seems that even trygames has stop selling worms armaggedon.So because refund is not an option should I:

-Expect an update patch for those versions protected with Active Mark
-Use other means...
-Buy a new one from your store.

I really wouldn't like the second and third option.But then again...
Team17 do sell the game for almost next to nothing from their online shop: https://secure.team17.com - cheaper than TryMedia were selling it at least.

19 Jan 2009, 12:52
We can't make the updates TryMedia-compatible. W:A without the updates is worse than WWP, and taking into consideration how much has been improved with the Beta versions, the game's value is much lower.

T17 signs a distribution deal with TryMedia for downloadable distribution, then creates a costly support nightmare for them by providing updates that require the CD. Removing safedisc would surely solve more problems than it would create. Requiring the CD to run the game puts unnecessary stress on the disc made fragile by safedisc data. Seeing starforce on Mayhem makes this seem unlikely. But what exactly is the justification in copy-protecting 'beta' software?

From the T17 website, it looks like they're teaming up in hopes of an acquisition. If so, sticking it to TryMedia might come back to haunt. TryMedia should be getting discs to send to their customers and a plump sum for the bother.

On topic though, the FAQ should be changed to reflect that T17 turned its back on folks that legitimately purchased WA by omitting them from beta software testing and effectively negating their ability to play online so the safedisc backup prevention (which has long since been defeated) could remain a nuisance to those that legitimately purchased CDs.

19 Jan 2009, 12:56
1) SafeDisc protection has been disabled with the first Beta update (if not earlier)
2) TryMedia uses a proprietary wrapper for their own DRM (thus, we can't make TryMedia updates on our own)
3) TryMedia will not accept "Beta" updates for distribution.

20 Jan 2010, 09:41
So....how do you backflip? :P

20 Jan 2010, 15:38
Yes, there is no disc protection. Not all "data" is copied to the hard drive hence the dependence on the disc and why so many people wonder why they can't get no-cd cracks working right lol.