View Full Version : Help Me Please!

5 May 2007, 19:06
Okay,when I to add someone elses graves,flags,fanfares,and speechboxes to the game,I get an error every time when I click Edit the Team Details.How do i fix this?:(

5 May 2007, 20:09
From the W:A FAQ on http://www.nanacide.com/wahelp/faq.php :
C3. WA crashes when I try to edit or create a team
This can be caused by having a custom grave or flag with incorrect colours or dimensions, or having a program with an "All On Top" feature. Try removing all custom flags and graves, and closing other programs, or finding this setting on other programs and disabling it.

Most likely, some of the files you were trying to install were of an invalid format, causing the game to crash when it attempted to load them.

This page (http://www.nanacide.com/wahelp/playersguide-flag.php) describes the correct format for custom flags and graves.