View Full Version : Monty Python!

14 Apr 2007, 19:10
I've spotted quite a few references to Monty Python in the worms games over the years.

*Obviously, the Holy Hand Grenade :p

*In Worms 2, the phrase "run away" is often uttered by worms.

*In Worms 3D, on the mission "Beautiful Balloon", the enemy team are called the Flying Circus and they have British accents. This could be a refence to the TV show Monty Python's Flying Circus.

*On Worms 4, there is a voice set called Knights. This set includes many phrases from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, such as:
"Could this be the holy grail!"
"T'is but a scatch!"
"To Camelot!"
"Now stand aside good Sir Knight!"

Has anybody found any more Python references?

14 Apr 2007, 19:17
*In Worms 2, the phrase "run away" is often uttered by worms.

So? I doubt that was really influenced by Monty Python. It's just too... normal. I thought that was a common phrase everyone used.

Oh, and don't forget the Knights in Worms 4 saying "It's only a flesh wound!"

14 Apr 2007, 20:36
*In Worms4, they have the banging-coconuts-together-to-sound-like-horses joke for the cutscene of knights jousting.

*In Worms 3D, on the mission "Beautiful Balloon", the enemy team are called the Flying Circus and they have British accents. This could be a refence to the TV show Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Yeah, it is.

14 Apr 2007, 22:18
There are loads more, do a forum search, it has been mentioned before. For example, http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=24544 and a bit in http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=29483

14 Apr 2007, 23:05
Thanks, I never knew the exploding sheep was from monty python.

15 Apr 2007, 00:40
Thanks, I never knew the exploding sheep was from monty python.
It wasn't.
At least Andrew Taylor said something different in my thread.

15 Apr 2007, 04:05
It wasn't.
At least Andrew Taylor said something different in my thread.

Oh my, there are some shocking links back there, aren't there?

Luther: It is indeed the Inflatable Scouser.
Forum: What does it do?
Me: It walks up to a worm and nicks its radio.
Forum: What radio?
Forum: You know, the one it calls the airstrike in, maybe.

It's disheartening, is what it is.