View Full Version : Change score? [wormnet rank]

6 Apr 2007, 07:40
Hey guys. ;)
One question, can I change my sore in #AnythingGoes? Like in WWPipe.

6 Apr 2007, 10:42
You mean changing your rank? You don't want to. Really.
Only noobs (like Lex) do that.

6 Apr 2007, 11:12
As far as I understand it, the only way to change it currently is to do some kind of registry edit since the ranking support was dropped a long time ago. If you do have a higher rank, or see anyone else with it, it's not achieved through hard work.

Ranking support is due to make a comeback, but we don't have any idea how long it will be before that happens.

6 Apr 2007, 13:18
Using a snooper is the easiest way to do this. You can't play with it, though. :p

7 Apr 2007, 17:12
A pity the rank system is not available, it would be really nice.

7 Apr 2007, 20:01
You mean changing your rank? You don't want to. Really.
Only noobs (like Lex) do that.
Since when did Lex become a n00b???

7 Apr 2007, 20:30
Since when did Lex become a n00b???
HA! You would want to know, huh? :D