View Full Version : crash in multiplayer

21 Feb 2007, 15:46
im running WA v3.6.26.5 in windows xp sp2.

i can run the game fine and play a single player game, go to wormnet channels, etc, from the main menu but whenever i click on the multiplayer option, the game just crashes.

is there any solution to this?

21 Feb 2007, 15:58
Did it work before?
If yes, have you tried to reinstall the game?
What about when you join WormNET games?

21 Feb 2007, 18:43
From the process of illimination, I'm guessing this is due to a problem with the map generator. Can you play online games? If so, try playing an image landscape (eg PNG) and then starting a multiplayer game. That might work. Also, can you play a quick game against the PC and deathmatches? If not, then we know what the problem is. Try a reinstall.

22 Feb 2007, 03:19
the game used to work, back when i was using windows 98.
yea i can play quick matches and deathmatches in the single player. it only crashes whenever i click the multiplayer button in the main menu.

22 Feb 2007, 19:49
Did you try to reinstall the game?
Does it crash when you join WormNET games?

23 Feb 2007, 06:24
i found the solution...apparently i need to run WApatch.exe first before updating to v3.6.26.5. it was quite misleading as the website says "You can update any WA CD version straight to v3.6.26.5 WITHOUT updating to any other version first."

maybe someone ought to reword it.

thanks anyway.