View Full Version : OMG! A very improbable thing has just happened in WA!

20 Feb 2007, 20:06
That's right! It has a 1/32768 chance of happening. And what is it? Well, watch the replay at 15:20. And there is a pixel there, but there is no pixel above it, and it is further proved by doing it in extra slow motion and looking out for extra explosions, and also listening to the sound of the splash.

Edit: I just looked, and it has 12 power, so the probability is 70% of what I said, but it's still pretty improbable.

NOTE: If you watch the whole replay you'll see my players are acting... rather strangely. But I sorted that out, so just ignore my guys (the blank team).

20 Feb 2007, 22:06
What actualy is the problem? (I don't have time to watch the replay)

20 Feb 2007, 23:35
the probability is 70% of what I said

That makes it more improbable...

21 Feb 2007, 01:50
Wow, this is the second time this has ever happened in a real game (and been reported)! Very cool.

(I'm pretty sure it's the second time, as I think my initial investigation into this was triggered by its happening in a real game which someone posted about. But I cannot find the original thread; maybe it was on a cl2k forum.)

Edit: I just looked, and it has 12 power, so the probability is 70% of what I said, but it's still pretty improbable.The probability 1/32768 has nothing to do with the number of clusters. It is instead due to WA's in-game PRNG going into a loop (which can happen because the current frame number gets fed into the PRNG in a mathematically unsound way). The pure probability of even two clustlets matching perfectly is 1/48332800.

So the probability was still 1/32768 of that happening! (Of course, the probability of it having happened is 1/1, because it did happen.)

21 Feb 2007, 03:54
just so everyone knows and doesnt need to check the replay out... a guy throws a cluster nade and every single cluster falls at the same speed in the same direction at the same angle.

creating a super cluster :P