View Full Version : [help?]Screen lags like never before.

2 Feb 2007, 04:55
Hello guys,I started to play wa again and I wonder where the really nasty screen lags come from.
I never had those before,I couldn't play 2 weeks and than started again and while I rope it's lagging heavy but it's not a connection problem.
Nothing changed since I stoped playing on my computer,as usual I have running msn and icq while playing.

Maybe it's my hardware or drivers software,I really have no clue but it's annoying.
Please help me out if you can!?

Here my Hardware:

AMD Athlon 64 3000+
ATI x800xt 256 mb
1,5 gb DDR Ram

I think that's the most important facts if you need more just ask and I will write it down,so far thanks.

2 Feb 2007, 13:06
My Worms gets laggy if my virus scanner opens a pop-up window in order to update itself. Check for open applications.

3 Feb 2007, 10:01
I tested it many times and nope it's not the problem :/

3 Feb 2007, 10:39
what operating system?

3 Feb 2007, 10:53
I can't play WA anymore on this PC due to lag (freezing every 5-10 seconds). In my case it seems to be because of the replay recording. It happens in offline games aswell.

3 Feb 2007, 12:11
do you guys use diskeeper 2007 and its background defrag technology? if yes try upgrading to the latest build which was released recently.

3 Feb 2007, 12:15
I run Windows XP .
No,I don't use diskeeper!

3 Feb 2007, 12:35
I run Windows XP .
No,I don't use diskeeper!

99% of graphics problems can be solved by installing a differend version drivers for videocard. try to get new drivers or the older version or visit http://omegadrivers.com/

3 Feb 2007, 16:13
it happened to me when my cpu was overheating, the bios lowered the cpu frequency nad I had lags. i could hear an acute "hiss" when it happened. try to find out if the cause could be it.
in summer i fixed it putting a big fan beside my computer:D :cool:

4 Feb 2007, 06:06
Write caching was disabled on my hard drive for some reason. I enabled it (device manager > hard drive properties > policies) and worms works better now but it's not perfect.