The Forum Story Chapter 1 It was early April. The weather was bleak and rather dismal. Birds called in a seemingly unusual way above an old and worn down building. In a locked cellar beneath the building, two worms were discussing their plan of action. "Cisken has taken the blueprints for the detonator to the Guarn on the Western District. He must be stopped or the world of worms will be nothing but a pleasant memory," spoke one of the worms. He was a smart looking, clean character going by the name of Slick. "You don't understand, to go to the Western District is certain suicide! We will not make twenty miles and you are asking of almost double that. It cannot not be done." This time it was a slightly less so smart worm with what appeared to be a knife lodged in the back of his skull, his name was Splapp. "It can and will! If we do not proceed, we will be erased from the face of this world. We shall pick a small number of others to join us." “Who? I cannot think of anyone dumb, strong, fit etcetera to accompany us!” Slick’s voice took a much more frantic tone this time. “Dumb? DUMB?!? This journey is not for the dumb, this journey is suited for the judicious and the courageous amongst us, for those who want to return with glory and honour. I can think one in particular.” After at least another hour of discussing, the pair left the old edifice. They headed for a small flat. They walked alongside old, run-down cottages and small broken down cars. The person who they were after was a worm named Alien King. “Don’t worry, Alien King is renowned for courage and efficiency, we need him on our team, he is a great ally and will come in handy,” Slick reassured Splapp. “He’s mad!! He’s psychotic, how can we ask him to join us on our endeavours?” “You have a habit of looking at the dark side of people don’t you!” The pair knocked thrice on Alien King’s door and he opened, the pair were shocked at what they saw. Alien King was writhing on the floor, clutching his abdomen, he had been shot. He was struggling for breath and had obviously conjured alot of strength in order to open the door. "Alien King?!? What happened? You will be ok!" Slick reassured him. "Close the door!" Alien King was speaking with a cerain degree of urgence. Splapp span round and shut the door. Slick began nursing Alien King's wound. "Cisken, Cisken," Alien King wheezed, and with that, he abruptly lost his will to live, as if his duty had been fulfilled. "I knew it! Cisken, I'll kill him, we'll kill him! This has made me even more sure of our actions." Slick was sure now exactly what his purpose in life was. "So who are we going to summon now? Who can we call upon to join us?" Splapp questioned. "I know just the person, he's a friend of mine. He's called Bunsy. He's a bit slow on the mark sometimes but don't worry, he can surprise you," Slick replied "Oh brilliant, a dim-witted, incompetent fool to help us through a perilous and suicidal mission!" Chapter 2 Slick, Splapp and Bunsy were sat around a small circular table. They were in a small, tidy and fairly simple flat which was owned by Bunsy. It was early eve. Outside, tranquillity ruled the gathering dusk. "So are you in or out?" Slick questioned. There was about a three minute silence which followed. "Sorry what?" Bunsy replied. "Are you going to join us on our quest to find and destroy Cisken and all his plans?" "Sure, why not?" "Oh, great," Splapp mumbled sarcasticly. "What was that Splapp?" Slick spoke in a harsh tone. "Oh nothing, nothing," Splapp replied. "So we have three, not quite a fellowship." Things were beginning to look up for Slick, and he knew it. The next day the three worms headed up to a new looking building which was covered from top to toe in high tech gadgets. It was quite an interesting house with no garden. A hover-car was parked just outside and was a nice turquoise colour. It's solid metal chassis glimoured in the hot sunlight. The building was home to a worm named Splinter. Slick knocked on the door and awaited the answer. Splapp began questioning Bunsy on his experiences. "So, have you ever actually been on a long and troublesome mission?" "Ummm, well, not as such."Bunsy replied. "What do you mean, not as such?!?! Have you ever been on a mission at all?" "Ummm, well not quite." "Not quite?!? NOT QUITE?!?!" "I've been down to the Post Office." "THE POST OFFICE?! THE BLOODY POST OFFICE!! Oh for crying out loud Slick, who is this half-wit?" Splapp becoming furious. "I told you he.....Ah hello Mr.Splinter." Slick was interrupted by a rather obscure looking worm. He had a pair of Splinter Cell goggles on which glimered green with the reflection of the sun. "What can i do for you?" He questioned "Well, I know this may sound a bit much to ask but would you consider joining us on a mission to save the race of worms and defeat Cisken?" "Err, well, sure, why not?" Splinter was obviously unsure of what was ahead but this was to Slick's advantage so he simply nodded and they all departed their seperate ways for the night. Chapter 3 The next morning, the sun shined brightly and the air smelled of lush cleanliness and to Slick, it was a smell of new beginings and oppurtunity. The four troopers gathered there belongings and met at the town's observatory at eight am sharpish, well it was sharpish for Slick, Splapp and Splinter, it was not however, for Bunsy. "Well where the hell is he?" Splinter questioned infuriatingly. "I DON'T KNOW SPLINTER!! I told you, he said he would be here. About an hour and a half later, Bunsy turned up. "Well, where were you, you brainless buffoon?" Splinter screamed. "Well, when you said, eight am, am being evening-" Bunsy began. "Evening, EVENING?!?! Why you-"Splinter grew angrier. "Look, just forget it! Atleast everyone's here now ok!" Splapp was eager to get on with it. "Has everyone got everything they need?" Slick questioned.